The Overnightscape #701 (Friday, May 16, 2008 / 55:00 / 25.3 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: Silver strap, episode 1000, area code 701 (the entire state of North Dakota), listening the movie “Fargo” on an audio cassette over and over again, “based on a true story”, drug dealers in Washington Square Park, desperate measures, old TV shows are hard to find, comparing North Dakota and Essex County, NJ, population density, the audio comment system using PodGlo, some audio comment for episode 700, Flock, beverage review (“Sence – Rare European Rose Nectar”), Erlenmeyer flask, Fridays, more rose products, edible flowers, unsweetened beverages, Frank’s wife Denice, anticlimactic NASA announcement, voice impersonator, the nursing home entertainment circuit, No. 209 Gin, talking in code, “Champagne Supernova” by Oasis, TV reports, the concept of a journey to a mall. rail adventure, New Jersey Transit, Galleria at Crystal Run, train schedules, gift card, chaotic at Christmas, restaurant review (“The Pita Grill”), non-depressing seating area, two bathrooms, and allergies. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

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