The Overnightscape #677 (1/26/08)


The Overnightscape #677 (Saturday, January 26, 2008 / 1:43:00 / 47.2 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: Sugar crash, shape of New Jersey, feeling tired, money review (1999 New Jersey State Quarter – “Crossroads of the Revolution”, “old school”1995 $5 bill), the people of 1885 are all dead, men wearing bows in their hair, Frank’s long hair and ponytail days, layoffs in 2003, waves of change, Federal Reserve, the movie “The Money Masters”, Mr. Sasha the Cat, “Nevada” pronunciation, time travel, TV shows (“MASH”, “After MASH”, “Trapper John, MD”), Phish, Japanese beverage review (“Kirin Kitchen Diabolo Ginger”), Provence, France, Facebook, CIA, reconnecting with a friend from high school, new show “Tom Green’s House Tonight”, snow disappointment, Frank gets quoted in a blog The New York Times about American Idol (because of Twitter), moving away from TV, audiovisual TV garbage, TV show “24”, violence in media, the guy who played “Trapper John” on the TV show “MASH” (Wayne Rogers), 1984 CBS TV promos, 1982 ABC TV promos, powerful media, getting coffee, Fairwinds Coffee, the world of gift baskets, commuter mug, gum update, Japanese black coffee beverage review (“Nescafe Takumi”, “Suntory Black Boss”), a video by Martin Smith about the long-gone “WorldKey Information” system at EPCOT Center in Walt Disney World,, “Disneyland Forever”, kiosks, preserving media, nature of the universe, persistence, comments on MVB songs on The Overnightscape Underground, and caravans of cinnamon. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

677 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

Carrie Engdahl – The Last Schmaltz

The Last Schmaltz! Carrie Engdahl live at Tierney’s Tavern in Montclair, NJ on January 18, 2008. This was Carrie’s going away show… a lifelong NJ resident, she’s moving to Austin, TX! In fact she is on the road, heading there right now, as I write this post.

(recorded on my Edirol R-09 sitting on a table in the back of the room)

The Overnightscape #676 (1/23/08)


The Overnightscape #676 (Wednesday, January 23, 2008 / 1:11:00 / 32.7 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: Accelerated rate of change, lots of stuff to talk about, recording setup, proximity effect, beige Macs, TV show review (“Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles”), fasinated by synthesizers, Minimoog Voyager Old School, analog sounds, snack review (“Act II Popcorn Balls”), beverage review (“Smirnoff Ice Triple Black”), podcast meetup, website review (“”), first encounter with Apple Macintosh in 1984, getting a Mac Plus in 1989, 20 MB hard drive for $500, new Apple products, Apple movie rentals, DRM, hi def TVs, open source media, BSD, report on The Overnightscape Tip Jar in 2007, Japanese grocery store “Katagiri”, chewing gum review (“Lotte Black Black Gum” in large plastic cup-like container), Frank is horrified to learn there is gelatin in the gum, chrysthanemum extract, maidenhair tree extract, ephemeral film on – “This Is Hormel” – all about a meat processing factory, hog carcasses, Cure 81 Hams, the story of bacon, pickled pigs feet, the production of gelatin, Spam, Frank’s experience of becoming a vegetarian, “pigs in a blanket”, last meat – pork roll sandwich, last shellfish – cold jumbo shrimp, last fish – tuna fish sandwich, sushi, and memory of what things tasted like. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

676 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

I was quoted in The New York Times

Well… one of the blogs run by The York Times. Check it out.

Playing Around With Video

Inramble is a new video project I’m playing around with. I’ve been shooting stuff on my Treo 680 which sucks quality-wise. Hopefully my new Flip Video Ultra will arrive soon. I just came up with the name yesterday and made the logo today. Who knows where this project will go, I’m just having fun with it at this point.

The Overnightscape #675 (1/16/08)


The Overnightscape #675 (Wednesday, January 16, 2008 / 2:00:00 / 55.1 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: Things under the couch, the “pants method”, wild weekend, issues with chairs, organizing for the new year, the furnaturial area, new chair (“Culley Chocolate Luxura Chair”), chairs destructing, chair buying at Staples, Donald Trump chairs, the third Overnightscape chair, Frank rips his blue jeans off, passing things on from pants to pants, the kipple problem, coupons, ink for inkjet printer, backwards chair, NFL football playoff game (Giants vs. Cowboys), “The Helmet Project” website – all football helmets ever, variations on a theme, World League football teams (1991 – 1992), Canadian Football League, Arena League, New Jersey Red Dogs, mathematics of casino gambling, computer casino game with “real” sports book (“Reel Deal Casino Gold Rush”), NetHack, Frank screws up the recording… but fixes it! (with the backup recording), injuries, cut finger, mouth burn, dropped phone, building an Ikea Billy bookshelf, selling used CDs at a store, cash, decelerating to exit off the highway,, DRM, videos of Frank (“Frank in Bryant Park”, “Chemdogs in New Jersey”), opening your eyes to the chemtrail pheniomenon, “replay” of Frank realizing the show is screwed up, backup recorder, TV show (“Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles”), Summer Glau, vegetable lasagna, No. 209 Gin, hanging around stores, retail experiences (comic book store at Rt. 1 Flea Market, Video Game Connections, NYU library copy center), snack review (“Cheerios Snack Mix – Original”), Doo-Dads, Chex Mix, asterisks, vague snack mixes, crazy weather, impending snowstorm, “The History of Howard Stern”, iPod game Peggle, doing show notes on the commute, the upcoming 2 million second mark, Facebook, cheating on a cartoon character quiz, funny comment spam, “grandmothers of Lumberton”, listener email (“Carrie from Texas” – article on how podcasting is not dead), the future, idea for a video project, buying a video camera, more videos (“Chemdogs on Route 3”, “Major Chembow on Route 46”, “Chemtrails Above A Shopping Plaza”, “Crazy Chemtrail Sky”), Stok at a local 7-11, Disney theme park fandom, looking for a video rip of the laserdiscs from the 1980’s WorldKey Information kiosks at EPCOT Center, random phrase, Samson G-Track USB microphone, Sonar LE, news of the mysterious (“Mr. Jesse the Cat is psychic”, “ghost cat”, “another old old woman crashes into the building”), my chair sucked, the ant situation, bees as a “royal” symbol, megalomaniacal thoughts, the hold list, parallel parking, field audio, Frank’s brother John, and a rumored abandoned subway station in the basement of the Flatiron Building. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

675 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

Video: Crazy Chemtrail Sky


Frank Edward Nora, host of, observes an insane chemtrail-filled sky on Rt. 46 in NJ.

Video: Chemtrails Above A Shopping Plaza


Frank Edward Nora, host of,observes chemtrails in the sky over a shopping plaza in NJ.

Video: Major Chembow on Rt. 46


Frank Edward Nora, host of, observes chemtrails and a chembow on Rt. 46 in NJ.

Video: Chemdogs on Route 3


Frank Edward Nora, host of, observing chemdogs in the sky while driving down Route 3 in NJ.

Video: Chemdogs in New Jersey


Frank Edward Nora, host of, in a parking lot in NJ observing sundogs / chemdogs and chemtrails in the sky.

The Overnightscape #674 (1/11/08)


The Overnightscape #674 (Friday, January 11, 2008 / 1:45:00 / 48.2 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: An interview with singer-songwriter Carrie Engdahl (Frank’s sister-in-law), setting up the equipment, Manny the Mailman, Brian Jude, Twitter, early digital era, moving to Austin, Texas,, Carrie sings her song “Open Road”, Little Orphan Annie, musical experiences, piano lessons, the rules of music, from deep inside, college, the band Fuzzy Dauper, Rob DiCaterino (, Phil Mould, phone noise, playing in small venues, Hoboken, NJ, parking, Irish whiskey review (“Jameson”), Gibson guitar, Carrie plays her song “These Days”, the Steve Poltz fan community, The Rugburns, Jewel, living room shows, South By Southwest, The Underpass, Tierney’s Tavern, the dehumidifier, Mike June and The Dirty Doves, Carrie’s Going Away Show (Jan. 18, 9 pm, Tierney’s in Montclair),, Irish whiskey review (“Michael Collins Single Malt”), Carrie sings her song “You Should Know”, Carrie visits the Great Notch Inn, Hammond organ, leaving New Jersey, Conan O’Brien, NYC, “Grindhouse”, Austin City Limits, Irish whiskey review (“Tullamore Dew – 12 Years”), wkiskey drinking, Frank’s non-drinking days, Carrie sings her song “Old Glory Blues”, politics, New Hampshire Primary, Ron Paul, The Constitution, Michael Badnarik, Ron Paul rally in Philadelphia, the future, Carrie’s EP “Another Sunday Morning”, MySpace, Carrie plays her songs “Almost Anything” and “True Love”, origins of the Engdahl name, Swedish military names, and The Us Hounds. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

674 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

Video: Frank in Bryant Park NYC


Frank Edward Nora, host of, in Bryant Park in NYC on Jan 10, 2008

The Overnightscape #673 (1/9/08)


The Overnightscape #673 (Wednesday, January 9, 2008 / 1:42:00 / 46.6 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: Super cold weather, lucky break at the bus stop, IP address conflict, 2008 is brand new to us, show calendars, cleaning up the studio, weird psychological thing, show milestones, approaching the 2 million second mark and the five year anniversary, not using words properly, dealing with the ant situation, poison, allegory, beer review (“Michelob Celebrate 2007 Cherry Lager”), bullet shape, movie review (“Idiocracy” (2006)), Mike Judge, eugenics, “Endgame”, Beavis & Butthead, Office Space, remembering what was and wasn’t on the show, going to the temporary Toys “R” Us in what used to be the Tower Records on Broadway and West 4th Street in NYC, my college NYC five floor walkup apartment on Thompson Street at Houston Street, Pulse Magazing, Desert Island Discs, cognitive dissonance, planning on a massive expired product review marathon special, mysterious hypnopompic phrase (“Zihenhoa”), Philip K. Dick, memory and dreaming, Mr. Sasha the Cat, “Feta and Pink Peppercorn”, Shufflin’ Jamboree, this nameless decade is now 80% complete, to do list from August 20, 2006, Geek Squad, the idea of calling Microsoft, nightmare experiences with calling customer service,, reviving a laptop computer with Linux Mint, crybabies, Ubuntu Live CDs, Ogg Vorbis, screws, power cord, blowing a fuse, BIOS, having to use your password all the time in an OS, instaliing software in Linux, NES Hollywood Squares, video driver trouble, sudo, Amarok, NetHack running in terminal, a Christms shopping bag that plays music (“Holly Jolly Christmas”), Burl Ives, glowing Bionic Woman eye magazine ad, weird scrapbooks, people listening in the future, camouflage scissors, New Year’s resolutions (let go of the past, have a plan), got rid of my VHS college copy of Repo Man, threw out the Scentstories, garbage bag trouble, foot mishap, pictures of stuff I sold I eBay in 2003, preserving copies of old websites, ScrapBook Firefox plugin, girl group update, some very sad news to report, and lots of good and bad things in this world. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

673 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

The Overnightscape #672 (1/4/08)


The Overnightscape #672 (Friday, January 4, 2008 / 3:15:00 / 89.5 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: The craving for cherry cough drops, enjoyment of shuffling cards, welcome to 2008, starting to clean up the studio, The Overnightscape lifestyle, dietary supplement review (“NutraMist Fast-Acting Oral Spray Energy Shots – Fruity Blast Flavor”), Binaca Blast, leisure time, crazy world, Bhutto assassination, Frank Zappa quote (“Government is the Entertainment Division of the military-industrial complex.”), NYC subway searches, B-12 nasal shots, bus to Atlantic City, each calendar day lasts for 48 hours on the planet, Time Cube guy, January 1, 2000 lasted for 50 hours, what is in Frank’s Crumpler bag?, playing cards, subway safety, umbrella receipt, hot dog card, Immodium, bus ticket rules, cigar cutters, cigar bands, radio, Overnightscape business cards, toothpicks, I Ching dice, ear bud foam, energy lip balm, burrito card, cough drops review (“Em-Eukal Wild Cherry”), bus dispatcher using a rock to keep a door open, dry cleaners, glowing iPod in pocket, procrastinating, pasta lunch, spilling tomato water on iPod, obscure graffiti idea, song “Pow R. Toc H.” by Pink Floyd, ants in the bathroom, everyone walking slow in front of me, Lucifer Sam, Syd Barrett and the drug scene, preview of things, New Year’s Eve, whiskey, games, turning nocturnal, coffee maker trouble, space is not cold, don’t believe everything you’re told, lazy day, Hulu, BBC blocking Torchwood website to non-UK visitors, copyright, Doctor Who, individual privacy under threat, the official 9/11 conspiracy theory, losing our freedom, the Luciferian elite, UK police state, alternate reality, becoming a Firefly fanboy, wisecracking, nerd crush, canon, comic book, TV show review (“Firefly” (2002)), movie review (“Serenity” (2005)), The Overnightcase Review (Jerry from Southern California reviews “Cocoa Camino Fair Trade Chocolate Bar – Chili & Spice ” and “Alligator Bob’s Original Smoked Alligator with Pork Stick”), destroyed cigars, you can get involved with The Overnightcase Project, the beta version of the rules to Frank’s solitaire card game “Shufflin’ Jamboree”, insurance points, table-free shuffling method, playing cards review (“Ellusionist Shadow Masters”), candy review (“Airheads Xtremes – Sweetly Sour Belts – Rainbow Berry”), field audio – some kind of a medical parking lot near the UPS in Secaucus, NJ, Denice’s mission to get her package, parking problems, psychotic enforcers, got some stuff to review at 7-11, snack review (“Chex Mix – Hot ‘n Spicy”), sulfurous overtone, beverage review (“Naked Juice – Protein Zone”, “Snapple Low-Calorie Noni Berry Metabolism”), sound of a train going by, expired products, candy review (“Topps Vertigo – Candy and Chocolate Flavored Pops” – Chocolate Cookies & Cream, Chocolate Strawberry), UPS tractor trailers, alcohol flavor, headrest, Toyota Matrix, What Is On The Radio Right Now? – AM Dial, a transmission from the Alexander Hamilton rest area on the New Jersey Turnpike, analog radio static, Spanish, religious, sports, Denice returns, Bunta Block, natural flavors, interesting conspiracy website, urine, Wiccan Yule celebration, neopaganism, the power of ritual, spirituality, wolfpack mentality, indulging in hate, Group A vs. Group B, the people are not blameless, TV show review (Doctor Who Christmas Special 2007 – “Voyage of the Damned”), Billie Piper, young women who dominate the news, Kylie Minogue, Spentgag (“See you next year!”), Manny the Mailman at a Carrie Engdahl show, the situation with The Overnightscape, The Overnightscape Underground – Day 1 released at, permanence, the genre “New Time Radio” vs. “Podcasting”, and straddling the two years on the planet Earth. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

672 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

Shufflin’ Jamboree

I’ve released the first beta version of the rules to my solitaire card game, Shufflin’ Jamboree.

I’ve been having a lot of fun playing it. The rules are still a work in progress. If you try it out let me know what you think!

The Overnightscape #671 (12/28/07)


The Overnightscape #671 (Friday, December 28, 2007 / 4:28:00 / 122 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: An alarm with cat whiskers, good spaceships and good women, weird energies, area code of Guam, interesting stuff this weekend, Christmas, wild accents over letters, Mariana Islands, constructed languages, Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua, Novia, pronunciation, human mouth sounds, end of the world, history of written language, speech accent archive, QuickTime, The International Phonetic Alphabet – Audio Illustrations, history of Guam, bacn, Facebook “FunWall” that is not fun, Michael from Guam email, water, random details and codes on packaging, lip balm review (“Dasani Pure Replenishment Lip Balm – Pure Water, Mouth Watering Raspberry, Mouth Watering Lemon”, “Desert Essence Lip Rescue With Eco-Harvest Tea Tree Oil”, “Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Lip Balm”), Mr. Sasha the Cat, The Global Orgasm, arrogance, old hippies, naked hippies, candy review (“Ice Breakers Pacs – Cool Mint, Orange”), chewing tobacco, No. 209 Gin, smashing glasses against the granite countertop, shattering glass, the idea of shattered glass merging back together, gentle rubbing, games, Lifesavers, Doublemint Kona Creme Gum, companies not updating their websites, “forward slash”, standard humorous commercials, conspiracy forum, the planetary conjunction and possible end of the world on December 23, 2007, extra soup, earthquakes, Flat Earth Society, questioning authority, TV show “In God’s Name” featuring leaders of various world religions, listener Christmas card (“Randal from Houston, TX”), the giant Far Side books, the planetary conjunction,Airborne, health supplement review (“Source Naturals Wellness Fizz”), Bottlecaps candy, horehound, Drudge Report, Borat, human interest stories, a failed tablet, toys in cereal boxes in the 70s like a Captain Crunch submarine, Twitter, Seesmic, test videos of Frank in NYC, mannequin nipples, video formats, 3gpp, YouTube, cool building, giant chess, confusing times, Shufflin’ Jamboree update, playing cards review (“Bicycle Pro Poker Peek”, “Bicycle Lo-Vision”), Black Tigers, Rotis Serif, The World Series of Poker, albinos, bashing another glass, one sparkle on my forehead, food review (“Amy’s Broccoli Pot Pie with Cheddar Cheese Sauce”), Global Orgasm blog, Malls of America on hiatus?, nut kiosk, blog comments,, psychic experiences, Frank’s wife Denice, shout out to Manny the Mailman, earrings, the cats, feeling the energy of the Global Orgasm, Winter solstice, season with two names (Fall/Autumn), Star Wars joke idea, feeling the energy, static electricity, good radio, positive psychic energy, movie “Zeitgeist”, Top Ten News Stories of 2007, new game, electric hum, astrology, Frank’s thoughts of the nature of reality, Big Blue Marble, various cycles of reality, TV review (“Journeyman”, “Firefly”),, consequences of time travel, imagining what it would be like to travel in time, bag full of quarters, time cops, proxy servers, Hulu gets it right, conspiracies, website review (“”), Folgers – bad, Chock full o’Nuts – good, ((2:13:51)) ModStar Igor does Frank’s “Mod” suggestion, The Overnightscape Underground, The Evil Farm,, Laphroaig, Addis Ababa, going back in time to escape the end of the world, red panda, gods on underwear, Britney Mason, Skype, going on Eddie from Ireland’s new podcast “Conspiricast”, wild animation of pinball and counting from 70s childrens TV, hippies making childrens TV in the 70s, Generation X, drug-induced cartoons, balance between rationality and hedonism, Orson Welles in “Future Shock”, Moog synthesizer music, freaking out, Pan-Am, rewind, went on Eddie’s show, insane chaotic discussion, Skype setup, the studio is a mess, onsug, angel hair pasta, Firefly, 2002 the lost year, aftermath of 9/11, 209, Obliviana Super Occult Amusement, Hallmark 2006 old-time radio ornament, world of audio, imagining a little Overnightscape “radio”, inspirational object, green ink, iPod games review (“Bomberman”, “Sonic The Hedgehog”, “Peggle”), Tribal Tap, Sonic Team, Green Hill Zone, forum posts on the Dec. 23 event, “The Coffee Pioneers”, deep sleep, dream review (“TV Screens”), siestas, “Take a Nap” by Fuzzy Daupner, song stuck in my head from the moment I woke (“Baby Lemonade” by Syd Barrett), “you’re nice to me like ice”, explaining everything by “other dimensions”, rotten ramen noodles, good yet cold pasta restaurant, hard-to-understand spoken phrase in instrumental song “Hawkeye” by The Alan Parsons Project, giving Eric Woolfson the credit he deserves, The Mongolian Seating Area, The Muppet Show, Peter Ustinov, Scooter, Kermit the Frog singing “It’s Not Easy Being Green”, The Swedish Chef, Gonzo, the “soy pudding” miscommunication at the health food store, juicing, new candy, 7-11 Blueberry Creme Coffee, lost lyrics, Burger King Potato Snacks, Cheeseburger in Paradise, Jimmy Buffett, Iselin, The Shell Game, “this game is corny”, memories of parking Jeep in snow-packed parking spots, person vomiting on the bus, bus lane security, Permanent Makeup Zone, misheard phrase (“Amphetamine Peppercorn”), Malls of America website creator missing in action, audio field trip to Macy’s at Willowbrook Mall (Wayne, NJ) in the middle of the night (12:35 AM – 3:03 AM), crowds, hippie stuff, being at a mall at the end of the world, Dawn of the Dead, “The Last Mall” by Steely Dan, jacket, women’s department, The Fur Vault, coffeemakers, Diddy Kong Racing, Flavia Fusion Drink Station, gadgets, ice cream makers, hot dog roller, popcorn popper and nut roaster, quesadilla maker, The El Paso Chile Company, watches and razor repair counter, weird corridor, Talking Heads song, Martha Stewart berry colander, housewares, pasta attachment, pasta maker, Christmas section, Martha Stewart Red Hurricanes, Annalee Sheriff of Nottingham Mouse , Swiss Army luggage section, cool luggage logo, Derek Italic, Charter Oak, Holiday Spruce, fake band name, sparkles, TSA Lock, looking out at the dark closed mall through the shutters, mall walking groups, Origins Ginger Bar, Starbucks closed, shaving products, Edge Gel, walking outside, Twitter, Jim from Madpod calls, video camera, Brooklyn Indie Market, status of the world, FuncoLand, a whole family that was arrested, mall security, Diesel Fuel For Life, women’s wallets, Starbucks still closed because their computer is down, sickly looking girl as cosmetics spokesmodel, iPod vending machine, destructive youth, The Cheesecake Factory, misty parking lot, sitting on a cold metal bench, Wayne Towne Center (formerly West Belt Mall), trapped, sitting at the Starbucks which is still closed, new car battery, coupons, Macy’s water, free ring cleaning, Toys For Tots, the half-dead look, reality is still running as normal, “it was a circus in here today”, waking up at 3:00 PM, the kitties are playing with pinecones from the potpourri, more forum posts about the day, Christmas Eve, sad news, completing work on The Overnightscape Underground Day One, transitions, last show of 2007, things out of balance, the longest show (#572), and choosing the music – on this, the second-longest episode of The Overnightscape ever. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

671 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

The Overnightscape Underground – Day 1

The Overnightscape Underground – Day 1 is complete in track-based format! All 75 tracks of Day 1 (totaling 24 hours) are available for individual download. Or listen to it all via the feed.

The next step is to make Day 1 available for download in several different ways… this is coming soon.

Video: Frank and a Cool Building


Frank explores the exterior of an interesting building.

(I made this video to test uploading a video to YouTube directly from my Treo. It did not work.)

Video: Frank in NYC


Frank walking up 3rd Ave. making a test video for seesmic

(I wasn’t able to get this video onto Seesmic, by the way)

(Seesmic is a kind of “Twitter with video” site that is currently at “pre-alpha” status)

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