The Overnightscape Underground – Day 3 has begun!

The Overnightscape Underground – Day 3 is here! The first two tracks, “Night Pinball” and “Yellow Light” have over 4 hours of brand new stuff! Check ’em out!

Audio Comments Welcome

The new audio comment system is active! Just look over at the sidebar for the window with “Audio Comments Welcome” at the top. Starting with episode 700, you can leave audio comments, which will be collected after a period of time (I’m thinking a month) and be attached to the show in the “permanent archive”. The service is provided by PodGlo – you can sign up for the service for free, but it’s not required in order to make a comment

Don’t be shy! I’d love to hear from everyone! You’ll be able to hear all the other comments as well, and you’ll be able to respond to them.

I’m really looking forward to see how this system works!

UPDATE: You do not need to join PodGlo to use the system – you can leave a comment anonymously. If you want, you can join the PodGlo closed beta by using the invite code “abc123”. You can record your message in 2 ways – via phone, or direct on the browser. The phone method works no matter what browser/system you’re on (it’s a NY phone number, so it may be a toll call for some). For the web-based recorder, on Mac you’ll need to use Safari, and on PC you need Firefox or IE 6+. You will have to install a plug-in to use the web-based recorder.

Just click on the name of the show you want to comment on (right now, just “The Overnightscape #700”), and it will tell you how to leave the comment. Or, you can click on one of the comments that are already there to leave a comment in that thread.

Let me know how this system works for you.

The Overnightscape #700 (5/12/08)


The Overnightscape #700 (Monday, May 12, 2008 / 49:00 / 22.5 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: Welcome to the new “700 era” of the show!, the door opening abilities of cats, the recent 5th anniversary show, MadPlayer old firmware, show stats, The Overnightscape Underground, approaching the milestone of a month’s worth of audio, shorter shows (under an hour each), ringing the spring from the squeaky chair (hanging from laser pointer, hit by mini ruler), new logo (black and yellow), spelling confusions, beverage review (“Purple”), Orac, micro-celebrity moment (meeting Michael from NJ at The Health Nuts), Tudor City Greens, listener email (“Rich from North Carolina”, “Andie from Australia”), the urination issue, cursing, burping, listener audio (“Wayne from Sparetime Radio”), the upcoming audio comment system, PodGlo, the number 700, prime numbers, Harshad number, Frank’s experience with the AT&T EasyReach 700 number service from the early 90s, cleaned up the studio, creative projects, Nomadi Entertainment, Halfevil Graphics, Obliviana Super Occult Amusement, business card vending machine, 900 number “party lines” in the subway, survey, 800 numbers, Alitalia, bright yellow lights make you black-and-white in real life at MoMA (Olafur Eliasson – Take Your Time), and a fan on a very long cord flying around. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

700 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

The Overnightscape #699 (5/6/08)


The Overnightscape #699 (Tuesday, May 6, 2008 / 3:14:00 / 88.9 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: The end of an era, looking across the room at something new, The 700 Club, area code 699, 5th Anniversary, The Overnightscape Underground – Day 2, New Jersey, Episode 700, televangelists, Amanda Bearse, Japanese can of coffee review (Roots – “Colombia Adulto”, “Bitstyle Custom Blend”, “White Brazil”, “Simba Wind”), candy review (“Limited Edition Snickers Charged”), the smell of Magic Marker, jiggle the mouse, screenshot, coughing up coffee, uninspired rhinoceros picture, the heat of your flesh, lime meringue, Japan Tobacco Inc., Senoby, Deep Harmony, 1977 miniseries “Roots”, TV watching in the 70s, making coffee, fonts, a lion breeze, The Mexican,, learning pills, Toy Tokyo, Glyos System, St. Marks, Bottle of Things, toy review (“Tokidoki Cactus Pups”), heart and crossbones, a girl in a cactus costume, a sausage character, Hello Kitty, Japanese toy review (Re-Ment Puchi Petite Collections – “Re-Ment Sushi Bar – I Want To Eat Sweet Grilled Egg”, “Office Lady’s Life – foot bath”, “Fruits & Vegetables – tomatoes and lettuce”), toy body powder, cartoon lettuce character, Japanese market bathroom, The Iron Fairies, naughty fairies, the new stuff – plans for episode 700 and beyond, the new logo redesign, infinite recursion, black and yellow color schemes, soap review (“The Iron Fairies” sample, Lush “Demon In The Dark”), Sabon, online soap reviews, field audio – a walk to Target to buy a belt, Clifton Commons, episode 700, Boiling Springs Savings, big brown mushroom on a hump of earth, pansies and pesticide, crossing the street, show length, sirens, walking through a park, getting towards a darker time, new logo, buying a belt, a dark figure, falling toward the roadway, scaredogs, Canadian geese, AMC Theater arcade, Need For Speed Underground, festival with tons of cops, 2 forms of ID, gazebo, tree dedication, cherry blossoms, drizzle, Barnes & Noble, giant cookie, iced americano, mallards, restroom confusion, used video games, doing normal things, candles, a little side way, Jeep, this is now, Life Water, a school field, rabbits on their own, birds, wind, local politics, leaders, denial, community billboard, fascinated by normality, shower report, a vision of a pond, black wax, imagining a life without mint, After Death hot sauce, neo-darwinian macro-evolution, religion and politics, Ben Stein movie “Expelled”, intelligent design, fights on Twitter, thoughts of a rail adventure, Galleria at Crystal Run mall, bad areas, lack of vehicle, Mall Memory Series, “huge” garage sale, Herb Alpert LPs, playing cards review (“Jacob’s Bible Cards”), Japanese book update, damaged book discount, Safecracker pinball (1996), home arcades, Garth Brooks song “Unanswered Prayers”, Barnes & Noble, Multimedia 1.0, combines Coldstone Creamery / Soupman, Japanese way of handing you change, the ABM Show booth at PodCamp NYC 2007, video game “Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection” on PS2, movie “Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball”, the pinball emulation scene, Doctor Who, deus ex machina, Billie Piper, music review (album “Gala” by Lush (1990)), Miki Berenyi, “We Miss Miki”, “Desert Island Discs” from the old Tower Records “Pulse Magazine”, Little Frankie Nora songs from the 1987 “Bicentennial Cane” album (“Ending The Era With Calm Music”, “Come Again”, “How Do You Feel About The Job?”, “The Report”, “Going Off”), crappy old batteries, NomadiBasement, fake companies, TV game show “Scrabble”, Heather Graham, Twin Peaks, Sherilyn Fenn, new theory of show notes, origami airplanes, TV on the radio, end of analog TV transmissions, raw show notes, one shrimp still alive in the EcoSphere, Jack Daniels Racing T-shirt, uses for a Frisbee, Wyoming quarter, girl eating chocolate-covered strawberry, pinball games, Oakley Mars sunglasses, PodGlo audio comment system, and the roller disco in basement. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

699 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

The Overnightscape #698 (5/3/08)


The Overnightscape #698 (Saturday, May 3, 2008 / 2:56:00 / 80.7 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: Coconut molecules, the completion of The Overnightscape Underground – Day Two, episode 700 coming soon, dream review (“Combinatory Angel / Banker / Westmind”), candy review (“Snickers Adventure Bar (Adventures of Indiana Jones)”), Snickers Charged, the new Indiana Jones movie, a visit to PodCamp NYC 2.0 in Brooklyn, big black garbage truck, jacket decision, robot T-shirt, podcasting events are bittersweet, accomplishments in podcasting, arrival in Brooklyn, bagel breakfast, personal space invaded by guy from other bakery, Brooklyn Polytechnic, big red triangle, shoelace problem, blossoms, stained glass dumpster, Allen and Jefferson from Otaku Generation, PodGlo, audio comment system, Pringles and water, blowing a teacher’s mind at lunch, microwave pancakes, cracking fingers and toes, weird alligator sculpture, realistic dog statue, remembering a mall, bottles in the trees, using your freedom, 209, big shots, back at the Port Authority Bus Terminal, raffle, going to Books Kinokuniya with Jefferson, subway difficulties, expensive Japanese book “Universe For Rent”, idea of a little book you can carry around, weird video storefont ad, getting “Demon In The Dark” soap at Lush, the band “Lush”, Miki Berenyi, Treo 680 battery problems, Penn Station, Krispy Kreme, remembering “Zoop” setup, bus gates, little seats, bass rumbling of bus engine, people are confused, eBay, Kindle, dream review (“The Place in the Cliff”), chilly outdoor party, police vehicle, alien supermarket, bikers, natural light, deadbolts, weird book with compartments, time travel brochures, alternate realities, the nature of dreams, dream update, Frank’s brother’s description of upcoming visit to island is strangely similar to the dream, a symbol in the higher universe, a cosmic view of reality, dream review (“The Re-Release of a Classic Rock Album” / “Dumpster”), The Beach Boys “SMiLE” bootlegs, Brian Wilson went insane, NYC audio, Lexington Ave. and 48th St., Radisson, Ben & Jerry’s Free Cone Day, in a funk over quantum crytpography and holography, human consciousness, the nature of the universe, the nature of light, a change in the weather, crappy umbrella, flaws, the tunnels of Grand Central, maya, is the world real?, Rockefeller Center, 30 Rock, mural of human achievement, J. Crew, long line for free cone day, Mini Fusilli, remembering waiting on line for ice cream in Warren, NJ, Pheasant Run, video games at Drug Fair, Bantam, Tente, Beublin A. Richardson, concourse level, Fox News, dust, checking out some keyboards, repetetive preaching, the homeless guy with the two signs, girl pretending to be homeless in Utah, show notes, ONSUG ideas, exporting audio out of this level of reality, a loose manhole, live theater, Hello Kitty is an evil cactus, the Hello Kitty Darth Vader costume, taking it easy, creativity, Coke can flitting, steamstack, building a building, Meadowlands Xanadu, a raunchy-sounding siren, how does this recording fit in, what is the real NYC like, rest room, chocolate store coming “soon”, getting a monthly bus pass, month length mnemonic device, favorite ticket line, vitamins, another day in NYC, finished up ONSUG Day 2, “Treasure Hunt” TV game show from 1958, “The New Treasure Hunt” in the 70s, living multiple incarnations at once, Deal Or No Deals, pirate girls, pompous car dealership, the history of video game arcades in Times Square (old days: Playland (Strike Force, Plotting, the famous coat Grasshopper cookies, sleazy, fake IDs), Broadway Arcade (intern at MTV, Assault, Qix), original “new” Times Square era: Laser Park (giant robot battles, laser tag, bachelor party, Ha! Comedy Club), Broadway City Arcade, XS, Bar Code (Charmin Restrooms, Pedigree Dog thing), currently in Times Square: ESPN Zone (Rapid River), Dave & Buster’s (42nd Street Food Court, redemption games, coin fall games, Deal Or No Deal, Let’s Go Jungle!, Haunted Hotel, tickets and prizes, Slam-A-Winner), Leisure Time Bowl arcade (under renovation)), Diamond Row, motion theater, Planet Hollywood (formerly All-Star Cafe), the gambling edge, pyrrhic victory, clues to the date of the game show, historical weather, The Thin Man, phone call, tofu, and the monkey thing. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

698 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

The Overnightscape Underground – Day Two is complete!

The Overnightscape Underground – Day Two is complete! Check it out!

11 new videos on

11 new videos on – Pope, Lobster Sign Busted, Public Phone 2000, NY Comic Con, Skyscraper in Progress, Chemtrails Are Not Normal, Interactive Sign, Favorite Seat, The Shoelace Problem, Strange Video Street Ad, and Foggy.

Check ’em out!

The Mini Pasta & New Orleans 2

It’s been a long time (10 days) since the most recent Overnightscape, but there’s a lot of cool new stuff over at The Overnightscape Underground! Check out The Mini Pasta and New Orleans 2!! They are like little episodes of The Overnightscape unto themselves…

And hopefully a new Overnightscape will be out before too long…

Bottle of Things

New track over on The Overnightscape Underground:

 02-17 ug: Bottle of Things (4/19/08)

(over 90 minutes long, a lot like an episode of the The Overnightscape…)

New York Comic Con

I had a great time at the New York Comic Con today. I recorded nearly 4 hours of audio, with lots of rambling of course and also a lot of interviews with a bunch of very cool people! I will be putting the audio in The Overnightscape Underground this week sometime…

UPDATE: All the audio is now online at The Overnightscape Underground

The Overnightscape #697 (4/19/08)


The Overnightscape #697 (Saturday, April 19, 2008 / 2:05:00 / 57.3 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: A journey in Midtown Manhattan staring at 48th and Lex, cigar smoking on the street, Caswell-Massey soaps, oakmoss, a beautiful day in NYC, coffee stains, big shots, The Overnightscape Underground – Day 2, Buzz Aldrin, Little Frankie Nora, Bicentennial Cane, wackjob on bus, The Ramones “53rd and 3rd”, Citigroup Center, police vans, The Pope is coming tomorrow to speak at the United Nations, David Blaine, the character “Benedict” from Roger Zelazny’s “Amber” series of sci-fi books, compass rose, cool curved building (“135 East Fifty-Seventh Street”), The Pattern, a sculpture on Park Ave. (“Love Wall” by Robert Indiana), Severe Repair, fancy stores, the middle class, Nokia store, mushrooms, Bergdorf Goodman, FAO Schwarz, toy soldier guy, Apple Store, iPod Touch, The Overnightscape on Apple TV, bathroom, toe, The Gates, horses, show production, entering Central Park, pond, stone bridge, giant rocks, to time travel to Manhattan before people got there, contrails reflecting the setting sun, failed episodes, failed experiments, hung up on 209, The Porch Trilogy, birds, the show way of talking, the “Central Park Jogger” incident, an ancient time when people could talk to animals, obsessed with symbols and letters, the world could be a computer simulation, Grand Theft Auto IV, “Pinball Hall of Fame – The Williams Collection” for PS2, the early 90s “virtual reality” craze, Jaron Lanier, “Virtuality” arcades, “Dactyl Nightmare”, 9/11 truth march, Columbus Circle, words and things, Time Warner Center, panic attack in 2004, giant weird statues, snobbish restaurants, sculptures, Masa, Per Se, Samsung Experience, bathroom, 80 inch plasma TV, Cartoon Network Store, phone call, Borders, Playaway, Utah and Nevermind, Eternity II, doing the thing in the sci-fi section, checking out books, the design section, Norman Rockwell, surf graphics, Kate Nash, KT Tunstall, unable to remember pop star names, Lion King props, magazine store, perfect price prediction, CompUSA, psychic projection, the old headquarters of MTV, the “Tears For Fears” mental block, beverage review (“Mash – Lemon Peel & Ginger Root”), Beublin quote, crappy bank logo, M*A*S*H, Times Square at night, remembering Lily Allen, Late Show With David Letterman, NyQuil, “Rehab”, looking up Amy Winehouse, guy with snake and parrot, Hershey Store, a spiral staircase that you can’t walk up, candy review (“Good & Fruity”), EPCOT song “Makin’ Memories”, the story of “The Zen Coffee Disaster”, hash browns, The Glenlivet City Links, defunct juice bar, missing the bus, busted sign, and feeling cool eating a sandwich on the corner. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

697 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

The Overnightscape Underground – Day Two

The Overnightscape Underground – Day Two is here! I have the first seven tracks done (totaling about 8 hours), and I’m putting them all up today! The first track, “Oldskool Hardcore”, is over two hours long, and like an episode of The Overnightscape unto itself! Also, you will get to hear the preshow to the live anniversary show, and a whole lot more.

Lots of New Inramble Videos

I just added a ton of new videos on – check ’em out!

The Overnightscape #696 (4/8/08)


The Overnightscape #696 (Tuesday, April 8, 2008 / 3:22:00 / 92.6 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: The spilling of a bourbon, place is a mess, audio problems, the spilling center, channel strip (preamp, compressor, EQ), RIP (raster image processor), jargon, seltzer incident at work, spilled water on mixer, old calendar, Frank’s science fiction story “Severe Repair”, novel format, interdimensional travel, sex, audiobook, “Severe Repair: The Broken Text”, notes for the continuation of “The Cartersash Story”, superhero “Sleetgosm”, drugged by a magical cylinder, Kinokuniya, Japanese collectible toy review (Re-Ment “Kusuri no Petit Drug Store”, “Mononofu” (weapons)), tooth character and little demononic characters, toothbrushes, toothpaste, major synchronicity (“Teal Easy Dental Floss” – toy version and cleanup mission), the sword “Durandal”, hit tooth with microphone, Grayswandir ans Werewindle, The Overnightscape Underground, Overnightscape Mission (“Teal Easy Dental Floss Cleanup”), things that drive you crazy in a slow fashion, a zip tie in Iselin, teal trash, jackdaws, coaxial cable, tile sample, The Twilight Zone, disposal, the 8th dental floss, dental theory, a garrotte for your teeth, FTP video uploading, compressor, granola bars, showtunes, sitcoms, Tom Baker, TV review (Doctor Who (“Partners in Crime”), Torchwood (“Exit Wounds”)), Broadway musical review (“Curtains”), Al Hirschfeld Theater, Playbill, the musical theater subculture, the urge to perform, meta, self-reference, the Boston accept, psychedelic saloon, Avenue Q, “all the world’s a stage”, Slapstick Reality Actors, beverage review (“Caribou Coffee – Iced Coffee Plus Espresso”, “Caribou Coffee – Iced Coffee Vanilla – Coffee Drink With A Splash Of Milk”), a dream of black coffee, The Pixies song “Caribou”, Black Francis, Frank Black, Kim Deal, The Breeders, Coke are idiots, Coke Blak, the New Coke debacle of 1985, vanilla pudding overtone taste, natural flavors, Twinkies, beef fat, Friz Quadrata, Devil Dogs, Drakes by Hostess, glycerin denial, hog fat in glycerin in old Coke, awful website (, “Severe Repair: The Broken Text” is released, risque stuff, notes, motivation, The Overnightscape Underground update, music review (“Music Of The Spheres” by Mike Oldfield), Tubular Bells, Amarok, chanting, crying, Hayley Westenra, being old, Lang Lang, psychedelic flashlight (“Rave’n 2” by Technology Associates), listener 5th anniversary audio (“Ranger Craig on The Rock”, “Neal from Ireland (from”), controversies, obscure audio, doing show notes on the toilet, from the forum (“JimSlim” – Severe Repair audiobook), the theoretical discovery of the worst movie double feature possible (“The Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift” and “Newsies”),, Linux laptop, screws, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Gnome, Linux culture, Linux complications, Mac vs. PC, Nethack, “Adventure” on Atari VCS, Telnet MUDs, Second Life, Inkscape, Photoshop, Ilustrator, DosBox, abandonware, textmode games, old PC games (“Rockstar” by Wizard Games, “Eight Ball Deluxe” by Amtex), playing pinball in Scotland, dream review (“Creating Dr Pepper”, “Indoor Replica of Chartres Walkways”, “Statue of Liberty Convention / Flea Market”, “ABM Graffiti”), raised boatways, Mr. Sasha the Cat, Xanadu indoor ski slope, Spaceship Earth, Horizons, dollar coins, obscure 1978 construction toy spaceship, noises, shapes on the kitchen wall, recording an Inramble video, sounds from upstairs, Mr. Jesse the Cat, Inventionland, cool indoor artificial river, gazebo, love of artificial worlds, talk radio ads, people thinking they can invent things, fatalistic attitude, a million dollars, scamming people, listener email (“Craig from New Jersey” – card request), cartoons, Radio Reruns, Howard Stern, the new business cards, the new logo, Obliviana logo, old Obliviana websites, remembering “Tente” (Spanish Lego-like system), attempting to translate Spanish, Bantam in Watchung, Pomp (formerly of “Hate The Radio”) records his therapy sessions and puts them online at, plans that fall apart, delayed Christmas present (“King of Fighters 2006” for PS2), an FYE closes, and turning the difficulty all the way down to unlock stuff. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

696 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

5th Anniversary Live Show Video

Here is the video from the live 5th Anniversary episode (#694) of The Overnightscape! Many thanks to Manny the Mailman, who was kind enough to film the proceedings with my Flip Video Ultra. Since the camera only has a capacity of one hour, this is not the complete show – but it is a very cool document of the event!

Thank also to Ariel at Ariel Publicity for providing the location!

Severe Repair: The Broken Text

I’ve been working on my sci-fi story “Severe Repair” for over 22 years. Today, I have finally the released the WHOLE thing, as “Severe Repair: The Broken Text”.

After years of trying and failing to fit Severe Repair into various different formats, I came to the realization that the text is unfixable – it’s a big mess, a total disaster. But it’s GOOD! Every time I start reading different parts of it I get drawn in and fascinated all over again. So I decided to release the whole thing, in its very raw and very flawed form.

At approx. 1,000 pages, with hundreds of characters, there is a lot to explore. Enjoy it!

The Overnightscape #695 (4/3/08)


The Overnightscape #695 (Thursday, April 3, 2008 / 59:00 / 27.2 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: Frank’s father, Frank Ralph Nora, returns to the show with stories from Svalbard “The Trek” and “The Sled Dogs of Spitsbergen”, rough year, Nanny’s ghost, the frightened plumber, a fascination with the Arctic and the Antarctic, cruise to the north, Longyearbyen, the excursion office waiting list, buying waterproof pants in Stavanger, the Norwegian krone, physical fitness test, the trek begins, girls with guns, polar bear attack stories, loading the weapons, desolate landscape, the negative Norwegian, crossing the stream, walking sticks, rubber boots, horrible parasites on the ground, walking on a glacier, starting to get tired, dropping out, the Svalbard cedar, snow, 24 hours of light, crossing the island in the depth of winter on snowmobiles in the darkness, going to see the dogs, little tents, reindeer droppings, University, avalanche, the sled dogs of Svalbard, strange statue, dogs chained to the ground, Thai people in Spitzbergen, pancakes in the hut, Mary Yakubik update, houses and properties, wrecked car, more on Svalbard, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, and seed conspiracy theories. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (


Podcast RSS Feed:

695 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

The Overnightscape #694 (4/1/08)


The Overnightscape #694 (Tuesday, April 1, 2008 / 1:53:00 / 51.9 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of The Overnightscape with the first ever LIVE SHOW (in front of an audience), at the NYC Podcasting Meetup (on the exact 5 year mark – March 27, 2008)… Meetup founder Doug Kersten starts off the festivities, the Meetup members introduce themselves (Bob, Brazzie, Manny the Mailman, Bud the Mailman, Agatha, Sandy, Catherine, John (Frank’s brother), Ray, Clive, Ronald, Alex, and Louis), and then Doug introduces Frank… tonight’s topics include: Honking car alarm, MadPlayer, audio editing, hiss, the official start of the show, the mystery box, the semi-illegal candies, surprise handout, show stats, all episodes available online, Jean Shepherd, the monologue show format, what Frank looked like in early 2003, graph, The Overnightscape 4th Anniversary Checklist, talking to Bud the Mailman, schadenfreude, spilling water all over everything, Manny the Mailman explains “The Overnightcase”, the rescue of The Overnightcase, Twitter, telegraph operators, the dawn of telegraphy, the definition of podcasting, RSS feeds, Stevie Blue arrives and introduces himself, Tom Scharpling Show, David Lee Roth, Howard Stern, Stevie Blue sings, group candy review (“Icebreakers Pacs – Orange” – discontinued because parents complained it looked like drugs), Flintstones Vitamins, big files, listener greetings (“Carrie from Little Elm, Texas”, “Becky From South Carolina” (with synchronicity)), area codes, opening the box from Roel from The Netherlands (with “chemtrail” greeting card, and set of 3 bottles of Macallan single malt Scotch), group beverage review (“Macallan Elegancia – 12 Years Old”), some toasts, Dr. Pepper update, hot Dr. Pepper, doing the show in front of an audience, the unseen listener, getting into the groove, show notes, topics of the day, a space bus, Seinfeld, new urinal shields in the Port Authority Bus Terminal, weird old urinals, “squat downs”, urinal game, old time radio wrecked by television, Dragnet, online video eclipsing online audio, Frank’s video project “”, talking to Clive about his TV show “Alive With Clive”,, various video sites, Beublin A. Richardson, addictive audio, the power of talk, campfire storyteller, the “rise and fall” of podcasting, podcast advertising, dynamic ad insertion, Dailysonic, video ads, premium podcasting, micropodcasting, Meetup member sites, microphones, phones, audio equipment, Frank’s favorite episode (#561 – walking around a mall for 5 hours), drunken adventures, the checklists are scented with incense, the new $5 bill with the giant purple 5, euros, Photoshop currency copy protection, Jean Shepherd Archive, and the music at the end. Thanks to everyone for coming! And special thanks to Ariel for the use of her space for the Meetup! Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

694 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

The Overnightscape #693 (3/29/08)


The Overnightscape #693 (Saturday, March 29, 2008 / 1:39:00 / 45.5 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: A new Sunglass Hut in Times Square, trying on Oakley Monster Pup sunglasses, fake sunglasses on Canal Street, chemtrails and things in the air, dusk or twilight, the upcoming live show, portable studio test, satellite truck, Times Square haters, techniques for moving your business forward, stereo sound, clear bag, audio setup, Linux laptop, Audacity, hiss, Muji Flagship Store, New York Times Building, the old Bluffcosm portable studio, theatricality, Wyland whale mural, Sam Ash, ART Tube MP Studio V3, wooden wall dead end, the entrance behind the coffee place, automatic doors, coffee shop hassles, Men’s Journal, possible destruction of The Overnightscape Studio, bus terminal ad, American Idol, testing the setup in the studio, Thistle Dhu, drinking single malt Scotch right out of the bottle, Easter leftovers with hot sauce and cayenne pepper, testing the preamp, busted VU meter, vacuum tube voicing, Dr. Sarno method, the opening of boxes (“Roel’s box within the box – present for the 5th Anniversary”, “Chad’s box of soda from Texas”), spilled water on The Overnightscape mixer, revealing the new Overnightscape logo, packing peanuts, Episode 691 comments on the atheist issue, ABM Show archive, logo similarities, chatting with a former listener, Richard Dawkins is married to Lalla Ward (Romana II from Doctor Who), tube is warm, sodas from The Soda Gallery, “Dublin” Dr. Pepper (with cane sugar), the portable studio test recording (with Denice, Casey, and Jack), Happy Easter, “Chocolate Rain”, beverage review (“Limited Edition Diet Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper”), soymilk, “hello kangaroos”, listeners in Australia, the sweet potato question, Long Island, Walt Disney World, World of Motion, walking around Disney World all depressed, new Raconteurs album, hot Dr. Pepper, old Dr. Pepper logo, understanding the meaning of Dr. Pepper, more soda from Texas (“Barq’s Root Beer”, “Abita Root Beer”, “Dutch Coke”, “Fitz’s Strawberry Pop”, “Nehi Peach”), Happy Days, proximity effect, dream review (“Carl Whitman and Economic Tomorrow”, “Doctor Who”, “Early 90’s Alternative Rock Synchronicity”, “American Idol Contestant”, “The Bus Route White House Bathroom Code”, “Folded-Up Flags”, “A Brawl at a Barnes & Noble”, “Guest Stars – Richard Dawkins & Anna Nicole Smith”, “Washington Valley Road”, “Taken in by Rednecks Living at the Edge of a Recent Forest Fire”, “Boxes in the Fireplace”), Beublin A. Richardson, Easter, geese, Cheeseburger Combos, controversial topics, and living The Overnightscape lifestyle. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

Podcast RSS Feed:

693 M3U (useful for streaming in some situations)

The Live Show Was A Success

The live 5th Anniversary episode (#694) of The Overnightscape at the NYC Podcast Meetup was awesome! I want to thank everyone who came to the show – the audience was amazing, and the show was very interactive! Manny the Mailman took video of about an hour’s worth of the proceedings. The show itself is around 2 hours long, and as well I recorded a “pre-show” that was 20-30 minute long.

I should be able to release the previous show, The Overnightscape #693 at some point today. I will work on the live show (#694) over the weekend, and hopefully have it out by Sunday or Monday. Also I may release the “pre-show” in the Underground at some point…

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