The Overnightscape 782C Flammarion Woodcut 5/10/11

18:48 – Sitting by the East River at Peter Detmold Park, ruins of a hospital, no one talks about seeing the moon during the day, moon weirdness, the angle of the moon and the sun, The Flat Earth Society, the firmament, Flammarion woodcut, the NYC partial outdoor smoking ban goes into effect on May 23, smelly garbage truck, the return of Yar’s Revenge, The New Looney Toons Show, The Warner Brothers Stores, The Circle Line, chemtrails, and a pleasant cigar experience.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

The Overnightscape 782B In The Digital Mood 5/10/11

31:56 – Hipster hats, candy yet not candy, non-curly apostrophe, cigarette packs, the CD long box, jewel case misery, hoarding, Glenn Miller “In A Digital Mood”, audio quality, The Shamen, showtunes, seling CDs, remembering CD World at Menlo Park Mall, Geddy Lee, Technorave 2: Trance Atlantic, bank protest, oldskool hardcore techno, GE Building, NBC Studios, Top of the Rock, Foursquare, the flags of all nations, candy review (Reed’s Ginger Candy Chews – regular and peanut butter – in “cigarette pack” boxes), and molecules.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

The Overnightscape 782A Rebooting 5/9/11

25:17 – Sitting by the giant chessboard with espresso, pollen, vortex over the Atlantic, the new Roland R-05 recorder, return of The Overnightscape, the power of names, stagecoach, covering the tables and seats, Overnightscape Central, unstable phone, the new system, on the move, beeping, Space Shuttle delays, PATH train crash in Hoboken, weirdo walks through PATH tunnel, Mick the Cat died, chaotic intersection, Fringe season finale, Jeremiah Weed, jet fighter pilots, funeral pyres on lakes, Doctor Who, testing, and the end of Part 1.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

Return of The Overnightscape


After two years, The Overnightscape is back. In that time, I kept doing essentially the same show – but under a variety of different names: The Rampler, The Rampler on WFMU, The Frank Nora Show, etc.

The Overnightscape began in March 2003 – long before the dawn of “podcasting”. When podcasting took off in October 2004, I jumped aboard, and it was an intoxicating ride.

I started doing the show daily in January 2005. That year, podcasting was hot, and I thought I had finally made it. Listenership was increasing, and the Podcast Expo in California later that year was very exciting.

However, the whole podcasting phenomenon cooled off in 2006 – especially for independent podcasters like myself. The Podcast Expo a year later in 2006 was quite depressing for me, and I stopped the daily format of The Overnightscape, returning to a weekly format.

In early 2007, I set forth on a new project – ABM Show, with my old college buddy Mad Mike. Unfortunately, this project collapsed after a few months. I kept doing The Overnightscape, but with less of a sense of direction.

In December 2007, I started The Overnightscape Underground, to explore new vistas of Internet night radio. This was the first of many splits which eventually led to the end of the show called The Overnightscape.

In August 2008, I was experimenting with recording on the street of NYC, on my commute into work. While this could have simply been a new format for The Overnightscape, I decided to give it a new name – The Rampler.

The Rampler took off almost immediately, and the show became intertwined with an online phenomenon called Andy Kaufman Lives. Through this connection, I was contacted by a prestigious “freeform” radio stationed called WFMU. Starting in early 2009, I began doing some shows on WFMU, and by the Summer, I was on the schedule, with The Rampler on WFMU.

It was another exciting time, and I thought that this time my “radio career” was going to take off. By early September 2009, I decided I should put and end to The Overnightscape and The Rampler, in order to focus on The Rampler on WFMU. Unfortunately, after 16 weeks, WFMU cancelled my show.

I was still doing my “ug” show on The Overnightscape Underground – but in October 2009 I took a “radio vacation” and really thought about quitting the whole thing. After all the effort, after all the highs and lows, I felt I was nowhere again.

But, I came back in November 2009 and continued doing the “ug” show on The Overnightscape Underground. In retrospect, I should have just brought The Overnightscape back then – but I was still reeling from all the chaos.

Then, something amazing happened – many of the people who had been listening to my shows decided to start doing shows of their own, and I put these shows on The Overnightscape Underground.

As 2010 dawned, a new phenomenon was growing. I had inspired a number of people to try out this monologue “night radio” format – and I was running a cool little Internet radio experiment. I thought that with all these new people involved, with all the people they knew, and with all the collective effort that could be put into it, that The Overnightscape Underground was destined to grow into something very cool.

I changed the name of my show to The Frank Nora show, and the whole thing grew by leaps and bounds in April 2010. It was another very exciting time.

But, as 2010 wore on, once again it became clear that things were cooling. By the Fall of 2010, I was struggling to find new ways to structure things so that we could warm things up again. I had tons of different ideas, but none of them seemed right.

In recent months, I started feeling burnt out again, and The Overnightscape Underground began to really cool down. A few weeks ago, I decided to switch to a weekly format, and changed The Frank Nora Show to The Rampler Weekly.

I did three episodes of The Rampler Weekly – but then it came to me – I should just return to the original – I should bring back The Overnightscape.

Looking back on things, I had six years of The Overnightscape, and then two years of confusing (yet also wonderful) chaos. So in returning back to the main show, I am bringing to it a wealth of experience from those two crazy years.

The new format for The Overnightscape is a little different from the old show. I’ll be doing a new show each week or so – and I’m thinking each show will average about four hours. But instead of releasing each episode in one chunk, I’m going to release it in individual segments.

The first new show, number 782, has eight separate segments, and totals about 4.5 hours. Each show will be mainly my usual monologue format, but then later in the show things will shift to more of an audio exploration – with lots of music, old recordings, weirdness, and whatever else I feel like doing.

The show will be released as segments here on The full shows will also be available for download here.

The Overnightscape Underground – at – will continue, but I will not be posting The Overnightscape there, since it doesn’t make sense to double-post the show.

However, I will continue doing segments on Overnightscape Central on – and I expect that The Overnightscape Underground will continue to grow and evolve with the many talented people doing shows on there.

So what does the future hold? I really don’t know – but I still love doing The Overnightscape, and I hope that with this reorientation things can continue to move forward in a bit of a more stable way.

The Internet and culture as a whole is going through ever more changes all the time. I hope that The Overnightscape and The Overnightscape Underground can grow and take their place in the vast and evolving landscapes that are developing.

Frank Nora
May 14, 2011

The Overnightscape #781 (5/31/09) 12.33

The Overnightscape #781 (5/31/09) 12.33 (4:20:00 / 238 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – May 2009 – Track 33

“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Tonight’s subjects include: Recording the show all day long… snack and beverage reviews, etc…
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape #780 (5/17/09) 12.21

The Overnightscape #780 (5/17/09) 12.21 (1:29:00 / 81.7 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – May 2009 – Track 21

“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Frank’s father, Frank Ralph Nora is on the show!
Tonight’s subjects include: Recent audio releases, haircut, baby raccoon, area code 779 in Illinois, area code 780 in Alberta, Repo Man, Thomas Dekker’s message about Terminator, Wolfram Alpha, “The Alzheimer’s Project”, “Anvil: The Story of Anvil”, Frank’s father, Frank Ralph Nora, on the phone… driving through Idaho, visiting Uncle Bob in Montana, Ron Paul, militias, George Ford sentencing, phobia of someone putting their seat back in front of you on an airplane, and The Hegelian Dialectic.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

The Overnightscape #779 (5/9/09) 12.11

The Overnightscape #779 (5/9/09) 12.11 (1:24:00 / 77.1 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – May 2009 – Track 11

“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Tonight’s subjects include: First episode is a while, the studio trashed, calendar, statues, mushrooms, the testing of the phone system, The Rampler business cards, vodka reviews (“Skyy Infusions All Natural Cherry”, “Absolut Mango”), movie trailers, Andy Kaufman “The Greatest Story Ever”, review of the new Star Trek movie (spoiler alert!), Rush “The Weapon” live with Count Floyd, trying to view a multimedia CD-ROM magazine from 1995 called “Go Digital” but not having much luck, acid jazz, nudity, and Battletech.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

The Rampler on WFMU – Tomorrow Night

I will be on the air on WFMU for the third time, tomorrow night/Sat. morning (4/25/09) from 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM, New Jersey time. I will be filling in for “Zzzzzzero Hour with Bill Mac”.

You can listen over the radio airwaves in the NYC area on 91.1 FM. It is also broadcast on WXHD (90.1 FM) in Mount Hope, upstate New York. And of course, it will be streamed live at

The interactive playlist will be active, where you can leave comments. Just go to when the show is on for a link to the playlist.

Though it was a bit tricky last time, I do plan on taking phone calls again, at some point during the show.

Hope to see you all there!!!

(Here is the page for The Rampler on WFMU. Once the show is complete, it will be archived here.)

I’ll be on the air on WFMU tomorrow night

I will be on the air on WFMU for the second time, tomorrow night/Sat. morning (4/4/09) from 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM, New Jersey time. I will be filling in for “Zzzzzzero Hour with Bill Mac”.

You can listen over the radio airwaves in the NYC area on 91.1 FM. It is also broadcast on WXHD (90.1 FM) in Mount Hope, upstate New York. And of course, it will be streamed live at

The interactive playlist will be active, where you can leave comments. Just go to when the show is on for a link to the playlist.

I do plan on taking phone calls at some point during the 4 hour show, as well.

Hope to see you all there!!!

Here is the page for The Rampler on WFMU. Once the show is complete, it will be archived here.

The Overnightscape #778 (3/29/09) 10.37

The Overnightscape #778 (3/29/09) 10.37 (1:36:00 / 88.1 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – March 2009 – Track 37

“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Tonight’s subjects include: Throwing out expired review items. Part 2 – finishing the job. ((more description coming))
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

The Overnightscape #777 (3/27/09) 10.34

The Overnightscape #777 (3/27/09) 10.34 (30:00 / 27.7 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – March 2009 – Track 34

“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Tonight’s subjects include: The Sixth Anniversary of The Overnightscape, Part 2 of 2 ((more description coming))
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

The Overnightscape #776 (3/26/09) 10.33

The Overnightscape #776 (3/26/09) 10.33 (30:00 / 27.8 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – March 2009 – Track 33

“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Tonight’s subjects include: The Sixth Anniversary of The Overnightscape, Part 1 of 2 ((more description coming))
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

The 6th Anniversary of The Overnightscape.

Six years ago today, I had already done two “Beta” versions of The Overnightscape (on March 13, 2003 and March 20, 2003). On March 27, 2003, I did the very first official episode of the show… The Overnightscape #1 (hear it here).

So, this Friday, March 27, 2009, will be the 6th Anniversary of The Overnightscape. But this year things are a little different…

Doing The Overnightscape is very time-consuming. Often, I will spend an entire weekend working on the show. This became ingrained in my lifestyle and it has detracted from the rest of my life in many ways. This is coupled with the fact that even with all the effort, the show has only achieved a moderate success, in terms of audience and recognition.

In light of this, last August I began an experiment to see if there would be a way to do The Overnightscape in a way that would not have such an impact on my life. Thus began The Rampler.

The idea was to record in NYC during my walk back and forth from the Port Authority Bus Terminal to my job on 3rd Ave. The idea was to record and then release, with no post-production at all. The MP3 file recorded on the Edirol R-09 was the file that was released. All that would be needed would be to add tags to the MP3 file.

So I started this experiment, and it took off in a way I never imagined. Whereas the show is essentially the same as The Overnightscape, The Rampler became an exciting new variation on the theme for me.

In the seven months since The Rampler began, things have been changing. Slowly, I have been moving toward de-emphasising the studio aspect of my Internet radio show work. This was the original intent behind the development of The Rampler.

But… the original idea was that at some point, once the experiment was proven a success, “The Rampler” name would be retired, and it would be renamed “The Overnightscape”… thus The Overnightscape would continue on in this new form, with less of an impact on my life. However, The Rampler became something very distinct and new and unique…

So, The Rampler will remain The Rampler. This leaves the fate of  The Overnightscape somewhat uncertain. Certainly, I am not going to be doing The Overnightscape on a regular basis anymore. But I don’t know that it would need to be “shut down” either.

Right now, I am in the middle of this whole process. I know it might be kind of a “clean break” to end The Overnightscape on the 6th Anniversary. But that sounds so… severe. Especially in light of the fact that The Overnightscape lives on more vital than ever as The Rampler!!

So this is what I will be thinking about this week… exactly what to do with The Overnightscape.

Ultimately, The Rampler IS The Overnightscape. Just in a slightly different form.

I’m very excited about the further development of The Rampler… and I hope everyone comes along for the ride!!

The Overnightscape #775 (3/8/09) 10.8

The Overnightscape #775 (3/8/09) 10.8 (1:21:28 / 74.7 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – March 2009 – Track 8

“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Tonight’s subjects include: Throwing out expired review items. ((more description coming))
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

The Overnightscape #774 (3/1/09) 10.1

The Overnightscape #774 (3/1/09) 10.1 (2:30:00 / 137 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – March 2009 – Track 1

“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Tonight’s subjects include: Frank’s father, Frank Ralph Nora on the phone. ((more description coming))
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

WFMU Tonight

Tonight is my first show on WFMU, called “The Rampler with Frank Edward Nora”. It’s a fill-in show – but hopefully I will be back to do more!

The show is tonight (Fri., Feb. 20, 2009) from 11:00 PM to 2:00 AM (New Jersey time). If you are in the Northern NJ/NYC you can tune in to 91.1 FM. Or, listen live online at

Also, there will be an interactive playlist that is kind of like a chatroom, and I will be checking comments during the show. Just click on “See Playlist and Comments” from the WFMU homepage to get in, once the show has started.

(In case you missed it, this show will be archived and available to hear, both on the WFMU site and also on The Overnightscape Underground.)


Hear show show and read all the comments on WFMU here:

The Overnightscape #773 (2/15/09) 9.28

The Overnightscape #773 (2/15/09) 9.28 (57:00 / 52.3 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – February 2009 – Track 28

“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Tonight’s subjects include: Frank is still sick and his voice is shot, medicine review (“Buckley’s Cough Mixture”), ammonia, studio is a mess, disoriented, TV shows (“Terminator”, “Dollhouse”, “Heroes”), disturbing conspiracy theories, SSX3 on PS2, dnL, fever dreams, time travel, time sickness, WFMU, driving to Jersey City, iTunes, area code 773 in Chicago, pinball, germs, Laser Focus magazine, What is a Hologram?, Edmund Scientific Catalog, owning a laser, geniuses in the neighborhood, being smart and yet stupid at the same time, couscous and Trader Joe’s Indian Fare palak paneer, The Recent Dreams 2, Entertainment Weekly, the continued unnecessary use of “www” in URLs, Neil Gaiman, Gwyneth Paltrow, American Idol, Beanworld, comic books, dream (“Underground City”), a paparazzi on the bus, fake vintage guitars, guitar playing, and a tabula rasa.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

Update – Feeds, WFMU, etc.

The Overnightscape and The Overnightscape Underground got kicked out of the iTunes Music Store. Though the feeds were working fine, a WordPress plugin I was using was blocking iTunes from accessing the feeds. I have fixed the problem and re-submitted the feeds to iTunes, so hopefully they will be back and functional soon.

I have a really bad cold and my voice is shot. So I won’t be doing any shows this weekend. But rest assured that The Overnightscape will continue.

Since the last episode of The Overnightscape, there has been a lot of new material released in The Overnightscape Underground.

I will be going live on the radio airwaves this Friday, February 20, from 11 PM to 2 AM, on WFMU, which broadcasts to New Jersey and New York City at 91.1 on the FM dial. You can listen live on the Internet at The show will be called “The Rampler with Frank Edward Nora”. This is a fill-in slot – but I may be getting a weekly show this Summer. The show will be available as an archive from WFMU, and I plan on releasing it on The Overnightscape Underground as well. The show will feature segments of me walking around NYC, as well as me live in-studio.

So anyway, yes – this is probably going to be the longest delay between episodes of The Overnightscape ever – at least 3 weeks. But it shall return!!

Update 2/15/09: I did a show, so it’s only 2 weeks between shows!

The Overnightscape #772 (2/1/09) 9.3

The Overnightscape #772 (2/1/09) 9.3 (1:54:00 / 104.5 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – February 2009 – Track 3

“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Tonight’s subjects include: The Super Bowl, The Terrible Towel, The Rampler, went back in time, going insane, Groundhog Day, memories of the future, area code 772 in Florida, The Overnightscape Underground, test show, WFMU, Howard Stern and Tetris, The Easy Winners, show art, dark yellow, beverage accessory review (“Teroforma Whisky Stones”), liquor review (“The Balvenie DoubleWood 12 Years Old”), Vermont Soapstone, the test (stones, ice, neat), taking a picture, alcohol, E-Z Pass, toll roads, personal freedoms, politics and conspiracies, mashed potato semi-review, Google meltdown, Barney Google, old comic strips, flea market, Michael Phelps smoking pot, drugs, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, cigars, pipes, cigarettes, personal responsibility, degradation of the human spirit through ugly and meaningless modern art, blank paintings, vegetarian Italian sausage sandwich, IM from Eddie, Ashley Tisdale, Steelers, Birthday 1977, the song “Drunken Rampler” by J. Wiz, time travel, Super Bowl ads, Bob Dylan, John Belushi, people getting thrown out of windows, appeal of The Rampler, shoddy cartoon mouse with crappy flamethrower, arcade video game review (Pop Flamer (1982)), gadget review (Playaway audiobook of Neil Gaiman’s “Anansi Boys”), Tori Amos, Heroes, and eating some Eight O’ Clock Coffee.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

The Overnightscape #771 (1/25/09) 8.48

The Overnightscape #771 (1/25/09) 8.48 (1:51:00 / 101 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – January 2009 – Track 48

“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Tonight’s subjects include: Had a nap, Tetris and Howard Stern, Tetris “The Grand Master” and Tetris controversies, super hot chili, Epson 770, show art, audio clipping, beverage review (Mountain Dew AMP Energy – “Overdrive” (cherry)), cliche website, BMX and snowboarding, yo mama battle, Starlog Magazine #18 (December 1978), Metagaming MicroGames, The Fantasy Trip, the magic feeling from 1978 to 1982, everything changed in 1983, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Galactigon 78, time travel, long defunct stores (“Supersnipe Comic Book Emporium”, “Warriors, Wizards & Robots”), old bookstores, gruff but lovable comic book store owners, the movie “Starcrash”, Starlost, food preview (“Reser’s Fine Foods – Potato Express – Red Skinned Mashed Potatoes”), beverage review (Mountain Dew AMP Energy – “Traction” (grape), “Relaunch” (orange)), maltodextrin, starch, “Mountain Dew” becomes “Mtn Dew”, Mountain Charge, “no heeling”, Frank’s new card game “Perfect Gambler” (a variant of Shufflin’ Jamboree), dice game Fonjo Foon, Tally-Ho Viper playing cards from, silver bar under bed, Teroforma Whisky Stones, Vermont Soapstone,, coupon code, Entenmann’s candles, the cats climbing behind the drawers, chemtrails, Sonic the Hedgehog music project, Marble Garden Zone, snack review (“Dare Vinta Squares”), Roger Zelazny’s Amber series of books, Vinta Bayle, “The Great Book of Amber”, audio from the American Express Pavilion (an overview of the New York 1964-65 World’s Fair), time travel, and the egg that was at the fair.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

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