Frank Nora Show Numbering

The Overnightscape went though a period of chaos from approx. 2008-2010, where I recorded the show under a number of different names. On May 29, 2010, I decided to start fresh with The Frank Nora Show #1500. This was the 1500th show I had done, counting all the different shows – The Overnightscape, The Rampler, The Overnightscape Underground, etc.

Then, on May 9, 2011, I revived The Overnightscape, with The Overnightscape #782 – which was equivalent to The Frank Nora Show #1683. I continued to include the “Frank Nora Show Number” (in the format “F1623”), to continue counting all the shows I had done.

Today, March 24, 2012, I am reviewing the number, to make sure it is correct. The most recent show I did was “The Overnightscape 862: The Carleton Branch (3/22/12)” – with a Frank Nora Show Number of 1790. I double-checked this, and it was correct, counting episodes of The Overnightscape.

However, in my review, I found that in the time after FN Show 1500, I had done 22 additional shows that I would consider Frank Nora Shows. So, the adjusted FN Show Number for The Overnightscape 862 is… 1812.

The 22 additional shows are listed below:

Misc: 5

55.20 [2215] Late Night Music Show (8/8/10) 3:24:20
56.06 [2278] Macho Condor #1 (9/4/10) 1:19:54
56.23 [2295] Sneaky TT Broadcasting System 1 (9/12/10) 4:46:18
72.08 [3065] Sneaky TT Broadcasting System 2 (9/5/11) 8:25:42
72.01 [3058] Nightweek: The New Season (9/1/11) 1:03:13

Nightstation Patches: 17

77.01 [3314] Pinecone (11/19/11) (Frank) 8:42:41
77.02 [3315] Doorjamb (11/22/11) (Frank) 8:48:24
77.03 [3316] Afterglow (11/24/11) (Frank) 8:15:51
77.04 [3317] Blacktop (11/26/11) (Frank) 8:47:29
77.05 [3318] Sidewinder (11/27/11) (Frank) 8:59:22
77.06 [3319] Gasohol (12/3/11) (Frank) 8:47:12
77.07 [3320] Sarsaparilla (12/4/11) (Frank) 9:11:43
77.10 [3323] Tempura (12/10/11) (Frank) 8:18:35
77.12 [3325] Policewoman (12/12/11) (Frank) 6:38:23
77.15 [3328] Kitchenette (12/18/11) (Frank) 10:19:36
77.17 [3330] Would (12/23/11) (Frank) 10:03:08
77.18 [3331] Loungewear (12/26/11) (Frank) 7:33:41
77.21 [3334] Coaxial (12/31/11) (Frank) 10:19:48
77.22 [3335] Seaboard (1/3/12) (Frank) 8:48:42
79.03 [3387] Hotshot (1/12/12) (Frank) 10:36:57
80.10 [3400] Nightstation with Frank 1: Swank (2/9/12) 2:14:45
Nightstation with Frank: Southbound (3/11/12)

So, there are currently 862 epsiodes of The Overnightscape… which means that there are 950 Frank Nora Shows besides The Overnightscape:

396 episodes of The Rampler
322 shows on The Overnightscape Underground (before Frank Nora Show 1500)
183 episodes of The Frank Nora Show, starting with The Frank Nora Show 1500 (including 3 episodes of “The Rampler Weekly”)
27 additional because The Overnightscapes 782-786 were released in a segmented form (that I soon realized was not a good idea)
22 episodes listed above

That sorts things out for now!

The Overnightscape 862: The Carleton Branch (3/22/12)

1:14:15 – Frank in NYC talking about alternate timelines and a whole lot more. F1812

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 861: Old White Package (3/20/12)

1:56:18 – Frank in NYC talking about candy and a whole lot more. F1789

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 860: 9th Anniversary (3/13/12)

3:36:44 – Pleasant evening in NYC, Five Guys fries, tape recorder, Fuse, video game buying, memories of the Manhattan Mall, watches at A&S, Indiglo, espresso short change, NJ Transit entrance to Penn Station I never saw before, Jersey Devil in diorama, Metromint memories, the new Nightstation idea, Zoop, Street Fighter X Tekken, chickpea restaurants, Space Port, Station Break, Rastan, Auld Lang Syne, subway, skip forward to Monday at the bus terminal, wild weekend, time travel dream, Nightstation with Frank: Southbound, random audio from April 2010 for Overnightscape Central, Manhattanhenge, ideas that seem obvious after they’re invented, the new Nightstation idea, sound is immersive, imagining the listener stepping through into my world, needing to invent, L-theanine, cooling off period for the idea, fellow adventurers, different philosophies of organizing a society, day and night, succotash with mustard greens, The Ultimate Revolution, analysis of politics, oligarchs, cigar, theory that humans are a genetic variant of the gods, living in domes, The Starlost, Star Wars, we are the hobbits, PlayStation 3, Street Fighter X Tekken, Poison, DLC, Ridge Racer 7, Pinballistik, NetHack, the next day, jacket is missing, memorize celsius, vaginal logo, the ninth annoversary of The Overnightscape, the first few minutes of The Overnightscape Beta #1, Iraq War, car dealer hassles, TechTV, haircut, car inspection, The Overnightscape Underground archive, the creative urge, xkcd, coping mechanisms, new products at 7-11 in the past, blueberry creme coffee vs. blueberry coffee, Borden Colby and Monterey Jack Cheese Snack To Go, L-theanine, lunch, birds are moving into the air conditioner, ho’oponopono, law of attraction, hunger strikes, Temple of the Dog, the 80’s cool guy archetype – Memorex commercials, clearing out negative memories, sculpture, cults, ideal of a humble groovy life, lower back pain, flaws of the subconscious mind, got a recorder (Alesis VideoTrack), FM album “Black Noise” (1977), music list for my younger self, Nash The Slash, Matt Howarth comics, Those Annoying Post Brothers, The Shins, bear art, ModNation Racers, Mr. Peanut in the Mystery Machine, Jessica Rabbit in a jumbo jet, cyberspaces, Little World of Racetracks, Lytro Camera, perfect arrangement of money, the artist Moebius died at age 73, The Time Masters (1982), “coaster pov” on YouTube Leanback, Blakes 7, Survivors, Peep Show, loopholes, railroad spikes, Nevada, the mystery of vowels, 13 Moon Calendar Leap Festival, days out of time, taking pictures, the new idea, day world thinking, patterns, Broadway shows, Die Hard, the 80’s cool guy archetype, the happy idiot archetype, Shake Shack custards, Anything But Monday, falafel balls, the intelligent misfit archetype, Real Genius, My Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades, and Hot Tub Time Machine. F1788

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 859: Venus and Jupiter Days (3/8/12)

1:45:32 – Scrap metal truck at the bus stop, folding tables, my name, vowel sounds, Nightstation ideas, disturbing sign, Stereolab album “Margerine Eclipse” (2004), Sansa Clip+, the new iPad, version numbers, dual mono, honeymoon, Slotomania, Facebook games, Venus and Jupiter in conjunction, light pollution, Mars, emergency there/their/they’re training, apostrophes, Star Wars news, corrupt Nibs, Billy Crystal, American Idol mistake, Outrun, warm afternoon, ideation process, timelines, Awake, Jeff the Technologist, Portlandia, Satuday Night Live, Jack White, The Dead Weather, Lindsay Lohan, health food lunch, Mamajuana, whey hassle, chips, smell a cherry candle, Twizzlers, lentil disappointment, the bark industry, corrupt Nibs, transactions, Rachael Ray Show, natto, scallop juice, barnacles, John Carter (2012), Dejah Thoris, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Caffitaly Single Serve Coffee Maker, Bookman Swash, paper and wind, Starbucks Verismo system, cement mixing, circus atmosphere, Norman Rockwell, books before the Internet, A Century of Stop-Motion Animation, NetHack, random number generators, Times Square, the old tape I played on the latest Overnightscape Central, horrible clown, finger touch, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, On The Air, Clash of the Titans, Wall Street, Universal Soldier, and the virtual bus terminal. F1787

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 858: Circus On Off (3/1/12)

3:07:56 – 12th Leap Day, L-theanine, brain waves, Chevy SSR, relaxation drinks, new ideas, Nightstation, new radio contexts, the archives, NASCAR Daytona 500, Danica Patrick, women is men’s sports, Sega arcade racing games, subway, cable TV channels, the circus is gone, race car crashes, bootleggers, the Guinan premonition, Fringe, coin cleaning, high school teachers, Whoopi Goldberg, meandering, idea that a control system of the human body may extend into the fourth dimension, Flatland by Edwin Abbott, hypersphere, the next day, rainy morning, death of Davy Jones of The Monkees, The Beatles, Bearbricks, different Davy Joneses (David Bowie, David Robert Jones (Fringe), Pirates of the Caribbean character), construction toys, Phish song “Chalk Dust Torture”, The Grateful Dead, The Sopranos, Flash animated “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey, The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Noah’s Ark, Gods and humans, Gilgamesh: A New English Version, lapus lazuli, giant object store “Think Big”, Japan Week at Grand Central, navigating the archive, future listeners, reincarnation, I’m getting much better at NetHack, Stereolab, American Idol, cartoon reality, energy vortex, suspicious death of Andrew Breitbart, political conflict, back to Japan Week, bullet trains, ice sculpting a Buddha, Mike Nesmith album “Rays”, Mike Nesmith’s reaction to Davy Jones’ death, perspectives on death, cupidity, materialism, the mystery of life, the font Pretorian, bilateral symmetry, Japanese food, discovery of The Epic of Gilgamesh, reincarnation, Nina Hagen, Forget-Me-Not on iPad 2, Lion Day, Lamb Day, microwave Indian food, Costco, firechat, LED light bulbs, lighting with fire, New Jersey, hot dog memories, NetHack, take a picture, Foley artist, K-9 afterimage, hipster visual style, Celebrity Apprentice, cement mixers, ice cream in World War II, Fargo, Penn’s charity for less intelligent people, Earl of Sandwich, caffeine, Five Guys fries, Mexican leftovers, Project Runway All Stars, striped breezeway atrium, confusing silver and yellow car, statues, napkin bastards, the oatmeal fork incident, mint chocolate soap, guy yelling, opening two Bearbricks from Series 23, ModNation Racers, The Residents, the pointless arcade, Awake, American Idol, and The Kids Are Alright. F1786

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 857: Aspects of Ideation (2/23/12)

1:47:31 – Freaked out by this brewer’s yeast popcorn memory, mortality, glasses, Naruto ocular jutsus, ideation, cat food, forgotten things, health food stores, Rockefeller Center, semi-conscious, Mamajuana, drugs, kava kava, L-theanine, green tea, Internet radio ideas, ice skaters, magical energy, sound effects, Thought mural, Jeapordy, the curtain of time, personal space, urinals, sadness, pleasant outcome to my phone crashing, PS Vita, Microvision, Grand Theft Auto IV on PS3, NetHack, Wiz-War re-released, Boards of Canada, Spoonbenders Incorporated dream, telekinesis, Uri Geller, Kellogg’s Krave Cereal, 80s cool guy characters, American Idol, Celebrity Apprentice, Cheryl Tiegs, Oce Upon A Time, Space Paranoids, clipping Christmas lights, deep underground theater, Tokio Confidential, Tron pinball, Flight 151, theater spaces, ephemeral nature of theater, aspects of ideation, the future listening audience, Nightstation, Food Emporium, spices, Purina One Beyond cat food, supermarket etiquette, The Cranberries, lifestyle marketing, and this world could be a video game. F1785

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 856: Wheel Canyon (2/16/12)

1:10:52 – Supermarket bags, string art, can can, Bugs Bunny, TV show “Smash”, Marilyn Monroe, mind control, American Idol, Broadway music vs. rock music, giant glowing heart in Times Square in the rain at night, the sound, clip art, phone problems, Caramel Cob, Kleenex Wallets, John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown Band, The Alan Parsons Project, Whitney Houston, New Jersey, people singing on the red steps, Main Entrance Mystery, Nightstation update, new audio container ideas, flying books, The Lorax, Rush song “The Trees”, Ayn Rand, exploring an audio world, movie review – Chronicle (2012), forced postal spentgag, bad arcade, “France” dream, amazing visions, The Coneheads, Kellogg’s Cinnabon cereal, Bewitched, Paul Lynde, chocolate-covered bananas, sopping up decades of pop culture in the 70s, Harry Potter, and the theory of these other people. F1784

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 855: Ape’s Ladder (2/10/12)

2:19:59 – Buying oatmeal, instant foods, loose leaf tea, food pills, Finnegans Wake, mallards, the TV show Quark, The Phantom Menace, jerky bus driver, Quark XPress, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PageMaker, water flavoring, caffeine, Newfoundland, NJ, oatmeal failures, education system failures, ineptitude, breakfast cereal and cocktail gelato, the new phase of Nightstation, my future self, 209 Days, whittling, candy hassles, Fiat 500, recording technologies, LEDs, electrons, Ocelot, Geo Metro, toast, Valentine’s Day, Nissan Juke, hypnopompic imagery, Philip K. Dick, O Passion Of The Jukewand, O, papk, moist, juke etymology, car called Sleaze, glasses, iris, Pinball Arcade, Jacob’s Ladder, Cat’s Cradle, origami, jute, Museum of Modern Art, halal, l-cysteine, mellow anger, got a book – “The Electric Information Age Book”, paperback books of the 70s and 80s, Cult-Ure by Rian Hughes, Roadmarks by Roger Zelazy, Leaves of Grass, Flowers of Evil, French, PS Vita, Vineland by Thomas Pynchon, Kill Bill, Lamborghini, media saturation, future listeners, communications technology, technology of 2012, sitting in Times Square, devolution, eugenics, The Super Bowl, disco flyer, thuggish behavior, Arkansas TV, Blue Velvet, HDMI, Guinness Black Lager, MetLife commercial with Grape Ape, depressing realization, genetic theory, the mystery of consciousness, Saturday morning TV, The Banana Splits, Grape Ape’s Ladder on Train Crap & Blood #08 – Cartoons (9/1/91), Madonna, MTV, pogo boots, chair decency, Hillary Clinton dressing as a James Bond villain, movie review – “The Artist” (2011), two Chewbaccas, and Robusto. F1783

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 854: Booth of Hassles (2/2/12)

1:05:46 – Religious bookstore, Dig Inn, restaurant history, evil books, weird booth, time loop holiday, Sneaky TT, cement mixers, Monk Time, Punxatawny Phil, mild winter, pork roll, vegetarianism, NHL Store, hockey pucks, wars,  superheroes I made up (Bluejacket, Scarf Ace, Chinese Dragon), mental health, the red steps in Times Square, bad music playing, Cafe Today, giant video building, Howard Johnsons, Rollergames, The Great American Cereal Book, Strawberry Shortcake, Rush Day 2/1/12, American Idol, Heavy Metal, Project Runway All-Stars, Miss Piggy, Muppet Babies, fried clams, occult symbolism, casino in NYC, Entertainment Outlet, vacuum fried vegetables, Salty Pocky, Original Bionic Drink Lifeguard, Cinnabon, danger of safe playgrounds, Port Authority, Adamski – Killer, Bell Atlantic, and 1990. F1782

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 853: Rental (1/29/12)

3:31:44 – Kinds of keys, lava lamp, the Gnomish Mines, Pinball Arcade beta test, beer review – 21st Amendment Brewery – Back In Black – Black IPA, Combofix, bad weather, subway hassle, dirty candy box, Good & Plenty commercial, new frontiers, seating hassle, strange sounds from the sky – real or hoax?, old phrases, “sew buttons on your shirt”, casino solitaire, Lakerol Savli (salted violet), Choward’s Violet Mints, chocolate review – Vosges Cherry Rooibos Bar, 2012 Volkswagen Beetle, Beetle Adventure Racing, PS3 game Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, new stuff, Soft Salad, Pumpkin Spice coffee, USB hub, a visit to the Willowbrook Mall, FYE closing, lip balm vending machine, Big Entertainment, massage candle, walking pet balloons,- Jesus Jones, Cinnabon, Spencer Gifts, movie review – The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2011), Kellog’s Krave cereal, Pinball Corner (Rollergames, Deadly Weapon, Diner, Radical!, Sharkey’s Shootout), Nirvana, The Exit Ramp… American Thrift (Part I) (1962) (excerpt) (, Cheerleaders Wild Weekend (1979) trailer, The Mexican Hovercraft by Fuzzy Daupner (practice, 2/4/01), 1978 commercials (Space Creature Mask Kit, Bubblicious, Laser Attack), African by Vladimir Sterzer (Jamendo), random sounds from, Julie Star (Axton Frick Remix) by Sebastian Love (Starquake Records,, Xmas Vibrations by Karibean (EardrumsPop,, Ratustel by Point (Ektoplazm,, and Henry Kissinger on Nuclear Deterrence (1958). F1781

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 852: In The Dwarvish Mines (1/25/12)

1:32:59 – Valkyrie in the dwarvish mines, arch-lich, NetHack, The National, the salted caramel food trend, chocolate-covered salt, salted caramel donuts, unhelpful customer service, Perez Hilton on WWE, pop-topping, canning issues, OTB, Pari-Mutuel Betting, casino gambling, horse racing, Luck, PlayStation Home casino, cyberspace dreams, Ready Player One, Portlandia, Sleater-Kinney, the next day at the bus stop, fell asleep in my chair, celebrity dreams, Alcatraz, time travel bargain shopping, bus queue hassles, American Dream, The Pinball Arcade, WWW, inefficient bureaucracy, Bryant Park, computer virus, synthesizers, Kaossilator 2, Arturia Minibrute, analog vs. digital, piano lessons, Piranha Kid, guarding, superhero sidekicks, E-ZPass, Garden State Parkway signs, South of the Border, color TV sale, Dig Inn, beware of L-cysteine, coffee making, deck of cards, Dig Inn, depressed people staring at me, American Idol, Jane Carrey, Jim Carrey, cult advertising, and mind control. F1780

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 851: Bleak One (1/23/12)

43:10 – New shoes, busted appliances, planned obsolescence, plastic film, inept and glum workers, cordless cellular blinds, Timothy’s World Coffee, Keurig Postum fantasy, The Vermont Country Store, savages, throwing away a garbage can, smashing things, Timewave Zero, novelty theory, guard, ABM Show, death of a cousin and a friend, crime, Nightstation, and The Pinball Arcade beta test. F1779

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 850: The Asian Liquids (1/19/12)

26:44 – My coat is destroyed, dinner with Mad Mike, substances, sumo restaurant, nigori sake, the old coat, soy sauce, history of Anything But Monday, Nightstation, the old equipment, surfing reality, Alpha Flight, Avengers Academy, Spotify, face paint, tUnE-yArDs, Banana Tootsie Pops, the Asian liquids, and Mamma Chia. F1778

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 849: Poughkeepsie (1/16/12)

2:56:43 – Going on an unexpected trip to Poughkeepsie, NY, thinking about new radio systems. F1777

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 848: Pinball (1/14/12)

4:12:24 – Frank and Pete visit a pinball museum and a mall at the Jersey shore. F1776

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 847: Malt (1/11/12)

1:32:02 – The exploding beverage, fake mushrooms, GT’s Synergy Cherry Chia Kombucha, Chia Pets, quinoa, Orbitz, sleepers on the bus, people from the past, Podcast Alley, the robust and gritty realm of the 20th Century, cafeteria, American Dream, goat coin, Pinball Arcade, slow news day, “malt” theory of the downfall of the hippie phenomenon, timeline manipulation, Chamber, The Overnightscape Underground archive update, Pocket Overnightscape, Nightstation, Hotshot, Fizzies, 3 Musketeers Coconut, Nestle Carlos V, reality fear, I Was Kaiser Bill’s Batman, Worzel Gummidge, Park At My House, Pall Mall, Pyramid, color TVs for sale, Chock full o’Nuts pinball idea, After Eight, iPad apps for cats, Cricket Muve Music, Absolutely Fabulous, This Is Not A Movie (2011), Eddie Furlong, Terminator, meta-fiction, and Inception. F1775

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 846: Tricky Hoping (1/6/12)

1:56:06 – Headphones, the common cold, 2012 ball, subway cards, discard, radio fuel, Nightstation, Pan Am, The Playboy Club, zipping, brand new episodes of Absolutely Fabulous, anachronisms, the state of the scape address, archiving, predictions, positivity, hope, Photoshop memories, the defunct Azure, Vanilla Cherry Swirl NyQuil, purple drank, Omni Magazine, breezeways, Kodak in trouble, overheard, best visit to MoMA ever, vague fashion art, art from 1980 to now, art candy, rice and hot peppers art, yelled at by guard, beautiful evening, PAPAPinball videos on Vimeo, Tim Hortons, Mint Snuff, Take Five, Myntz, time travel food delivery service, giant Starbucks, the name Oral, Times Square, the mystery of human existence, hopeful views of the future, galactic federation, the gods, new perspectives of history, doom and gloom, and good stuff. F1774

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 845: Vision Dolls (12/29/11)

34:22 – Penny erasure thrills, dining concourse, Plug Mug, is tape poisonous?, Japanese grocery incident, puppet company dream, timeline entanglement, Traffic Panic 3D, etiquette stress, polar bear news – Siku, Phish, WDW40, Poutine, tofu of the past, the Marvel superhero Vision, energy shot update, Nightstation Patch Board, Foon, Coaxial, the word “patch”, and Marvin Glass. F1773

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 844: American Malls (12/21/11)

1:57:06 – Good news of a domed amusement park, Xanadu, American Dream, traffic jams, words as a sense, Ferris wheels, airplanes, 2013, Nightstation, Would, synchronicity report (The Monkees, Kaiser Chiefs), podcasting history, subway noises, energy vortex, dictatorship crying strategy, the long-lost American Way Mall in Fairfield, NJ, time travel food delivery service, food court, farewell Nooi Pasta-To-Go, possibly insane people, childhood hot pepper incident, Rage Faces T-shirt stand at the mall, new seaweed and popcorn charity, Kringles, Red Velvet Toothbrush, Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, The Spice Girls, couscous, alcohol peppermint crotch, museums at nights,  extremely expensive liquor, supermarket issues, mystery energy shot, Bryant Park, Mr. Zog’s Sex Wax, Kaiser Chiefs update, Sonic CD, penny art, I Want My MTV, Terra Nova, X Factor, Tower Records Pulse Magazine “Desert Island Discs”, Isuzu Vehicross, Jeep Grand Wagoneer, Shine Runner, and a lovely scene in the park. F1772

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


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