The Overnightscape 882: Transit Funks (6/5/12)

1:14:25 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on a pleasantly insane ramble on the streets of NYC. Frank explores a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more. Tonight’s topics include… Street musicians, fuel efficiency event in Bryant Park, The Transit of Venus, trying to find eclipse glasses, magazine store, Barnes & Noble, lions, hotel cafes, couch disposal, growing up, responsibilities, slack, robots and cameras, aspirations, The Graham Norton Show, colored clear plastic, The Overnightscape #66 (6/13/04), Superstar USA (2004), regaining portions of my mind, legalize it, loud dump truck, vague protests, genocide, reality, fuzz, racism, partly cloudy, missed the 2004 Transit of Venus, impacted wisdom teeth, Charlize Theron synchronicity, the Alien movies, Prometheus, Paul Reiser, Steve Coogan, accents, The Overnightscape #87 (10/24/04) name humor, postal table, The Voice UK, royalty, Royal Jubilee of a thousand boats, a simulation of the past, weird costumes, alarm, Almond Joy, orange juice samples, the bottled water craze, beverage review – “Kona Deep” water, fathoms, leagues, and the failure of the mass transit transit of Venus viewing. F1832

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at















The Overnightscape 881: Jackpots of Dust (6/1/12)

1:59:00 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on a pleasantly insane ramble on the streets of NYC. Frank explores a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more. Topics include… The gateway to the future, the string of anticipated years, bus pass, teleportation, Y2K, 9/11, 2012, Newsies, timelines, demolition dust, coffee truck, bagel work, Dave Sim comics, Cerebus, glamourpuss, God, human rights, penny erasin’, 2013, Seward Johnson statue gone, The Chemical Bank, gravity is up too high, celebrity deaths, the theory of domes, buying Black Pearl erasers, chocolate coconut drink, Bryant Park, sweeping, spilling, penny erasin’ test, Mars colonization plan, Holst – The Planets, Uranus humor, The Alan Parsons Project, Eric Woolfson, the Rhode Island-Jupiter calculation, sculpture update, binder clip, Alien, Aliens, Prometheus, more dome thoughts, reincarnation, 90ana, Fruitopia, Tripmaster Monkey, Banana Vanilla Inclination, and the gateway to the future. F1831

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at














The Overnightscape 880: Guide Rave (5/29/12)

1:43:02 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on a pleasantly insane ramble on the streets of NYC. Frank explores a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more. Topics include… Awake finale, Journeyman, timelines and time loops, recording an introduction to The Overnightscape for, Britain’s Got Talent, David Walliams, the amazing year 1986, supernatural phenomena, Night of the Creeps (1986), health lunch Neo Water, the album “The Big Heat” by Stan Ridgway, Mahavishnu, Indian food customer, Coppertone, Jessie J, mind control, speech patterns of newsreels, G. I. Joe delay, preparing for Prometheus to suck, the theory of futurian manipulation, and a whole lot more. F1830

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at













The Overnightscape 879: Manhattan Freedom (5/25/12)

4:36:59 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on a pleasantly insane ramble on the streets of NYC. Frank explores a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more. Topics include Italian chef marquee figure history, monk hassle, biomorphic field perception and meaning, Monty Hall puzzle, The Exit Ramp, bagel chaos, inefficient workers, biological forms, gender identity, the pop culture of the 20th Century, reality TV, American Idol, The Voice UK, motorcycle art, Plymouth, MorphWiz, Jack White in concert at Roseland, the planet of hobbits perception, Gumball 3000 rally cars in Times Square, Britney Spears, making fists with your feet, Chelsea Market, Uncle Joe’s Mint Balls, High Line, Standard Hotel, Mars 2112, R-Cade, TV Dinners, Beatrice, Duane Reade Up Market, Cinnabon, Orange Berry Blitz, The Freedom Tower of Freedom, and a whole lot more. F1829

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at












The Overnightscape 878: Falconer (5/20/12)

2:06:34 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on his porch at night, exploring a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more. F1828

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at













The Overnightscape 877: A Forest (5/19/12)

3:07:29 – Join Frank on Peter on their sundry explorations in New York State… Sterling Forest, a town, a mall, a rest area… a jolly/euphoric time is guaranteed for all. F1827

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at












The Overnightscape 876: Jugo De Paraguas (5/16/12)

3:37:57 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on a pleasantly insane ramble on the streets of NYC. Frank explores a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more. F1826

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at











The Overnightscape 875: Operation Ditch Jacket (5/11/12)

2:45:18 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on a pleasantly insane ramble on the streets of NYC. Frank explores a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more. F1825

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at










The Overnightscape 874: A Personal Voyage (5/4/12)

2:57:37 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on a pleasantly insane ramble on the streets of NYC. Frank explores a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more. F1824

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at









The Overnightscape 873: Trees Ramp (4/29/12)

58:56 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on a pleasantly insane ramble in a park in New Jersey. Frank explores a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more. F1823

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at









The Overnightscape 872: Giraffe Side (4/23/12)

1:55:43 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on a pleasantly insane ramble on the streets of NYC. Frank explores a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more. F1822

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at








The Overnightscape 871: Texas II (4/9/12)

2:28:43 – Join Frank, his wife Denice, her sister Carrie, and Carrie’s husband Joe for an evening of conversation in Austin, Texas. F1821

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at








The Overnightscape 870: Gerbil Urine (4/19/12)

2:25:58 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on a pleasantly insane ramble on the streets of NYC. Frank explores a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more. F1820

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at







The Overnightscape 869: Audioworlders (4/15/12)

1:48:10 – Frank on his porch, smoking a cigar and drinking some Scotch, talking about new ideas for The Overnightscape Underground. F1819

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at






The Overnightscape 868: Shadowfax (4/13/12)

2:49:04 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on a pleasantly insane ramble on the streets of NYC. Frank explores a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more. F1818

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at





The Overnightscape 867: Texas (4/9/12)

2:11:49 – Frank in Austin, TX, talking about a wide variety of topics. With special guest Carrie Ann Carroll. F1817

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at




The Overnightscape 866: The Teleporting Madman (4/3/12)

3:01:10 – Join host Frank Edward Nora on a pleasantly insane ramble on the streets of NYC. Frank explores a multitude of topics… pop culture, food, technology, the occult, and a whole lot more (including a review of the new movie “John Carter”). F1816

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at



The Overnightscape 865: Million Maze (3/30/12)

43:45 – Frank talks about the lottery and a whole lot more. F1815

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 864: Spanish Asphalt Music (3/28/12)

52:57 – Frank in Bryant Park by the carousel, talking about shopping centers and a whole lot more. F1814

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 863: Urban Woodland Tangos (3/26/12)

5:00:40 – Theme from Aplicacion de Capa de Sellado Asfaltico [FedFlix], Walk, What kind of human by Gino Pertot (album: Jew Nails) [Golden Pavilion], Porch, SUBWAY SPECIAL TO THE WORLD’S FAIR THEME, Enter The Wolf Clan by Cyber Wolf Clan [Jamendo], Fine Fine Fine by The Mentalettes (album: Jerks from the garage) [Budabeats], Going Blind by The Sway [Jamendo], Summer School (1987) trailer, Joyride by The Feelds [Jamendo], DJ 1, Oshen – Pacifican Herbsman – Mthymusik ARCHIVES [Jamendo], Since 1984 by Atomik Circus [Jamendo], Chewin Gum live by Smarton Trio + 1 (album: Jerks from the garage) [Budabeats], Sign Maintenance and Installation (1996) [FedFlix], Mother Earth by Schattenfell [Jamendo], DJ 2, Freedom voice of my soul by Art Boys Collection (album Stoned Wall) [Golden Pavilion], Happy Hour (1987) trailer, A Post Modern Weekend by Karibean (album: Love, Tears & Spiritual Blessing + Bonus) [EardrumsPop], Deberias sustentarlo by Nubian [Jamendo], Theme from Land Surveyor, Part 5: Traversing (1992) [FedFlix], Cashmere Paisley Polyester by Fingers Of The Sun (album: Jerks from the garage) [Budabeats], DJ 3, Books, 42nd, DJ 4, Dreams 89 (10/12/89 and 12/16/89), END. F1813

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


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