The Overnightscape 942: Vague Birds (1/15/13)

3:28:51 – Frank on the streets of NYC, plus the Other Side…

A bustle in the hedgerow, little bird, ice pellets, potential bird Super Bowl, the wax Morgan Freeman, listeners in the 70s, Tetris, NFL, American Dream, football helmets and logos, Roman numerals, revolving doors, ARPANET, Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon, Edgar Allen Poe, three-named Americans, Benny Hill, Adam Ant, Bow Wow Wow, 20th Century culture, Overnightscape Central – Death, golden ages of culture, the upcoming golden age of virtual reality, the question of dead wild animals and birds, “It’s Like, You Know”, The Muppets, The Jim Henson Hour – Pitch Tape [YouTube], gnocchi, 7-11, Cracker Jack, Fringe, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Rolo, snack review (Cracker Jack’D – Power Bites Cocoa Java, Hearty Mix Cheddar BBQ, Intense Mix Spicy Pizzeria, Hearty Mix PB & Chocolate), the band Foxygen, violinist experiment, hype and substance, podcasting, watchdog groups, caffeine buzz, molasses, Cracker jack prizes, shredding, Buckyballs, conspiracy theories, the salted caramel trend, tomato juice, salt, dream review (Dream 7-11, Abandoned Theme Parks, Future Blonde Gorilla vs. T. Rex), bad haircut, Flowbee, pleasant oil change, Reality’s Edge for lease, Pig sheets, liquid flaws, saliva, V8 spill, vienna sausages, green curry mess, Moog Sub Phatty, Portlandia “Taking Back MTV” episode, Cake Boss Cafe, giant treat, Captain Crunch, Microserfs by Douglas Coupland, PEPs (past-editing paranoia), Mason Williams, The Smothers Brothers, Birdopray Records, Matt Howarth, Ear to the Roar by Esther Bowinkle [collection], Long Island memories, and the Other Side (at 2:11:45)… Approaching Sector X by Welcome To Büromaschinen [Upitup Records, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Paul McCartney Interview (excerpt) [collection], Movies For the Blind 90 – Smart Alecks part 2 (excerpt) [, CC BY-NC-SA 2.5], Amou Baleke by Umoja [Budabeats, CC BY-NC-ND 2.5], KENNEDY AFTER TWO YEARS [FedFlix, public domain], Blood Drinkers Only by Beware The Dangers Of A Ghost Scorpion! [Budabeats, CC BY-NC-ND 2.5], Caution: Adolescents at Risk (1991) [FedFlix, public domain], R. J. Reynolds Sampling [], Superstar Limo [YouTube], U2 by Cooked Audio [Sostanze Records, CC BY-NC-ND 2.5], Helium Buffalo MH Episode 2 (April 21, 2012) (excerpt) [, CC BY-ND 3.0], Tomruk – trailer [], Memory Man by Nite Jewel [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], The Krofft Supershow (1976) – Ep. 11 – Part 1 of 5 (excerpt) [YouTube], New York TV commercials & promos 1979 [YouTube], Mandelbrot [collection], Real Nice Guy by Scornflakes [collection].


License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

The Overnightscape 941: VR Van (1/10/13)

1:55:06 – Frank on the streets of NYC, plus the Other Side…

Being a worker drone, try a little harder, casinos, the game is rigged, one song, humans, computer voice, Track 2, batteries, violent video games, assorted yogurt loafs, making bread, old commercial, Rush, mimicry, a key on a streetlight, Myst, Shock Treatment, daydreaming, hope, wandering around malls, media shops, mall memories, occult books, Rainforest Cafe, Obliviana, The Overnightscape Underground Archive, previous golden ages, electronica, technology and culture, the coming golden age of virtual reality (2015-2035?), very annoying sirens, The Overnightscape Virtual Studios, podcasters in Second Life, Times Square New Year’s confetti, vague filming, good deed of the day, The Midnight Citizen returns, Chad’s cover of The Rampler #209, Electric Sheep screensaver on Android, Toys R Us, Smurfette’s sister, Lego “Legends of Chima” and “Fabuland”, Zima, non-violent entertainment, haunted theater, VR Van, Alta Diggers, Monster Bash pinball, pinball technology, Ideas Ideas, and the Other Side (at 1:12:17)… WFLD Channel 32 – Weather Alert (1978?) [FuzzyMemories.TV], Rock Flowers Doll Commercial [YouTube], Canada’s First Comic Book Store [CBC], Fire Ant Season by Webelos [Budabeats, CC BY-NC-ND 2.5], Summer School (1987) (Trailer) [YouTube], ABC Fall promos 1976 [YouTube], The Games of Starcade – Blaster [YouTube], Limboland [collection], Repo Man TV Version – Deal [collection], Mission Bucharest by The Pharaos [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Supervan (1977) (Trailer) [YouTube], John Peel – Night Ride (5/28/69) excerpt [collection], Video Newsletter (excerpt) [], Alabama Jubilee by Hank Penny [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Weekend with the Babysitter (1971) trailer [YouTube], 29th and Dearborn by Polar Lion [Onsug, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Uncommitted (1961) (excerpt) [FedFlix, public domain], First Things First by Sleeping Policemen [EardrumsPop, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], 1982 dodge rampage commercial [YouTube], Take a Splash by Brady Arnold [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0].


License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 940: Animal Teleportation (1/6/13)

2:55:51 – A classic-style episode from The Overnightscape Studio…

The upcoming 10th Anniversary of The Overnightscape, virtual convention idea, Mumpler, incense, Captain Picard, motivational graphics, origins of The Overnightscape, Print-A-Gilligan, Antenna TV, The Flying Nun, classic TV shows, whiskey review (Hudson Single Malt Whiskey), Poughkeepsie, Route 209, The Overnightscape Mini Metal Ruler, air pressure, Basement Bitters, dream review (College Convention, Gilligan and Skipper, Richard Benjamin, Incident At The Bridge), Simon (1980), nylon, Omni Magazine, “Mail Order Miracles”, Space Pet, Gozinta Boxes, Zip Purse, Jumping Knots, Marrakesh, frightening clown, Inversions by Scott Kim, Cubology, Rubik’s Cube spinoffs, Mr. Rubik by The Barron Knights, Douglas Hofstadter, the noodle situation, Papa Gene’s Blues by The Monkees, Pinball Corner: 1991 Edition (Bugs Bunny’s Birthday Ball, Car Hop, Checkpoint, Harley-Davidson, Hoops, The Machine: Bride of Pin-bot, SlugFest, Cactus Jack’s, Gilligan’s Island, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Class of 1812, Hurricane, The Party Zone, Amazon Hunt III, A.G. Soccer-Ball, Flip Out!, Star Trek, Surf ‘n Safari), MAME, Harley-Davidson & L.A. Riders, Space Megaforce, crappy robotic alligator, and the Other Side (at 2:21:48)… 94-Piece Jumbo Beanie Baby Set – 1998 (Don West) [YouTube], Á Minuit, le 31 Décembre by Monroeville Music Center [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY 3.0], Backpacks from Outdoor Products (Commercial, 1991) [collection], 1-900-FUN-MATE (Commercial, 1991) [collection], WMAQ Channel 5 – “Late Night Saturday” (Promo, 1980) [FuzzyMemories.TV], Simple Genetics by Elixir [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Nite-Owl [FuzzyMemories.TV], Combat Cops Trailer [], Firefight by Sweetheart [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Moquette by Sun Sister [EardrumsPop, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Velamints Licorice Ice (Commercial, 1982), Party Zone Pinball Promo Video [YouTube], Cloudy by Brady Arnold [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0].


License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 939: Nixon (1/4/13)

2:36:11 – The first show of 2013, the first part in NYC and then the “Other Side”, a collection of audio clips and music…

Boat trip, amusement junkyards, card tricks, surprise party, welcome to 2013, strange dreams, subway, The Sound of Silence, bed visions of multidimensional realities, The Langley Schools Music Project, beggars, robotic announcements, annoying memes (robot overlords, zombies), Alexei Sayle, The Young Ones, mindfolds and blindfolds, George W. Bush, Dig Dug and consciousness, Q*bert, pop culture mashups, Flammarion Woodcut, hallucinogens, disassociatives, Dreamland Northern Manhattan, the twentyteens, My Bloody Valentine update, audio strategies, public domain show idea, going into a tunnel, bad ideas, timelines, spatial perceptions, Carol Channing, President Nixon’s enemies list, The National Lampoon Radio Hour, God Nixon, soup, The Open Goldberg Variations, Bach, clone fear, green tea in the fifth dimension, sound transcending dimensions, Musopen, Dvorak, rumored return of Twin Peaks, corruption under the surface of seemingly-nice small towns, Carvel returns to a shield logo, Carvel Hot Wheels, “Brokentoe” theory, The Surreal Life, cupcake wine, Arrested Development on NetFlix, the joy of junk TV marathons, The Voice, Veteran Cosmic Rocker by The Moody Blues, gadget review (Pocket Dentist), supple baton, NYC at night, why is everything so difficult, the upcoming 10th Anniversary of The Overnightscape, psychedelic lights, and the Other Side (at 1:15:09)… Gift Star coupons for cigarettes (1968) [], mondo mod 2 (excerpt) [YouTube], The Games of Starcade – Calipso [YouTube], Gossip by Starlight Girls [Bandcamp, CC BY-NC 3.0], The Late Late Show with Tom Snyder (opening, 12/9/98) [collection], Woodland Sketches by Polar Lion [Onsug, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], The Malibu Bikini Shop (1986) (Trailer) [YouTube], Rollergames (Williams) (1990) [PinMAME], Tobacco and the Bicentennial [], Sea Window by Brady Arnold [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Unicorn by Johannes Hopfner[Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], PRES. NIXON DEFENDS HIS OFFICE ON WATERGATE CHARGES (excerpt) [FedFlix, public domain], Use of Force (1993) (excerpt) [FedFlix, public domain], 1978 NBC Promo Quark CPO Sharkey [YouTube], The Ties That Bind by Jennifer Avalon [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Rockland County by Copper Man [collection], Virginia Slims mall film (1988) [], Variatio 1 a 1 Clav. [The Open Goldberg Variations, played by by Kimiko Ishizaka, public domain], WMAQ Channel 5 – Sign-On, “Meditations” & Opening of “The Health Field” (1982) [], SUBWAY SPECIAL TO THE WORLD’S FAIR THEME (speed fix) [collection], The Sounds of Communicore [collection], One Second of Love by Nite Jewel [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], WCIU Channel 26 – The Ginny Tiu Show (Part 1, 1969) (excerpt) [], The Little Rascals – Mush and Milk [, public domain].


License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 938: Destroy All Monsters (12/31/12)

2:16:52 – A classic-style episode recorded in The Overnightscape Studio on New Year’s Eve!

Weird perceptions, collecting cool audio and music, Carvel Ice Cream – “Tom Turkey Cake” (Commercial, 1984) [FuzzyMemories.TV], WGN Channel 9 – The Science Fiction Film Awards (Opening, 1978) (excerpt) [FuzzyMemories.TV], Repo Man TV Version – Lorna Doone [collection], A Texas Tale of Treason (2006), LISN Incense, lava lamp, Ukelele Lady by Polar Lion (excerpt) [Onsug], Polar Bear Man by Polar Lion [Onsug], the Polar Lion process, creative pursuits, beverage review (R. W. Knudsen – Sparkling Essence – Coconut), 500 Song Trip, Banana Bread by Zebra Mussel [Jamendo, CC BY-SA 3.0], Look Here And There by Manegi [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Welcome to the Big Rock by Manegi (excerpt) [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Star Trek: Enterprise “In a Mirror, Darkly”, the TV show “Quark” (1977-78), Richard Kelton, Marvel Heroes Closed Beta, Gang War by Elixir [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Flesh Gordon Uncut Movie Trailer (1974) [YouTube], Rainbowland Music, Doug Rice, groups of superheroes, snack review (Olive Oyl Popped Corn), Popeye, old cable TV shows, October 3, 1984 Showtime promos [YouTube], Prisoners of the Lost Universe (1983), Showtime TV series “Brothers”, New York TV commercials & promos 1979 (excerpt) [YouTube], Tom Carvel murder allegations, recording setup, Warlords Of The 21st Century (1982), yo-yo eating mystery (A Christmas Story, Orchid Spangiafora’s “Flee Past’s Ape Elf”), Horizons ride in WED World in Second Life, other dimensions and worlds, flimsy plastic supermarket bags, “cardboard” bottles, Downy Spice Blossom Dare Fabric Softener, Here in Heck, creative pursuits, packing noodle failure, Fridays pharmacist sketch, new My Bloody Valentine album, WDW eBay memories, Channel Lumber memories, CS-80V by Lemon Head (excerpt) [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Destroy All Monsters American International Pictures – opening and end credits [YouTube], Investigative Skills Lab (Narcotics Bust/Buy) (1997) (excerpt) [FedFlix, public domain], Mindscape – An Audio Adventure From Data Age! (excerpt) [collection], beverage review (Runa Guayusa Tea), WLS Channel 7 – AM Chicago – “Hoffman & Ski Show” (Part 4, 1978) [FuzzyMemories.TV], Cheerleaders Wild Weekend (1979) trailer [YouTube].


License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 937: The Triumph of Star Wars (12/27/12)

1:21:38 – Weird amusement park, brainwave cat ears, Nightstation, Ramplers, expensive Thai lunch, destructive children, Dick Clark, organ harvesting, confusion, madness of Christmas, Questar Magazine, movie review – Cloud Atlas (2012), OutRun, The Mighty Boosh, The Producers (1968), the peanut gallery, mystery scene, Doctor Who, Peep Show. My Bloody Valentine, Tower Records Project, water bottle, Pepperidge Farm Jingos! – Parmesan Garlic, Hallmark ornaments, R4: Ridge Racer Type 4, Tetris, Crazy Taxi, PlayStation 3, and Fozwell.


License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 936: Doomsday Update (12/21/12)

1:13:06 – Observations on the day that some thought the world would end. F1886

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 935: Bonic Basement (12/19/12)

1:58:55 – Frank in NYC… Super Objects, doomsday, Winter Solstice, 48-hour day, timelines, bean soup incident, grits, Bryant Park, pasta counting, mass shootings and statistics, Grand Central, Dipsy Doodles, Roger Zelazny’s Amber series, youthful obsession with interdmensional travel, oatmeal, surprise party, Android game reviews – PathPix and Ingress, Bonic Basement, movie review – The Hobbit (2012), apocalyptic thoughts, cold remedies, lanterns, NetHack, rewards cards, overchargings, After Earth, “After Man” by Dougal Dixon, Times Square, Fringe, Peep Show, Boards of Canada, bike, the twee mustache trend, other annoying trends, and the end of the world. F1885

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 934: Order In Canada (12/13/12)

1:47:08 – Frank in NYC… 209 coat check, the 12/12/12 concert, Nirvana reunion, walk down Broadway, and much more. F1884

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 933: Bad Sneakers (12/8/12)

3:26:17 – Frank in NYC and NJ… starting with a bizarre encounter in “Oceana Plaza”, then a visit to MoMA, then to a rainy Times Square, theories of timelines ans reality manipulation, then the next day in The Overnightscape Studio, with macaroni and cheese and how powder review, listening to the start of the show, “The Riddlers” – failed game show pilot from 1977 hosted by David Letterman, analysis of the celebrity panel on the show (Jo Anne Worley, Robert Urich, Joyce Bulifant, Michael McKean, Debralee Scott), pinball corner (Monte Carlo (1987), Mousin’ Around’ (1989), and how to become a celebrity in the 70s.


License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 932: Messed-Up Episode (12/6/12)

1:43:53 – Frank in NYC on a messed-up episode. F1882

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 931: Granny Takes A Trip (11/28/12)

2:08:46 – Frank in NJ and NYC, talking about snow, Star Wars, Christmas light poster, the 300 gates, subway, past editing paranoia, phone crash, Skyfall, Nightstation shutdown, Pocket Overnightscape, Peep Show, NYC Pod Squad, soba noodles, Thai fail, John Peel’s last Perfumed Garden on Radio London (August 14, 1967), Purple Gang, living mannequins, grannies, aunts, and so much more. F1881

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 930: West Broadway (11/21/12)

1:42:28 – Frank in NYC, walking down Broadway, from 14th Street to Houston Street, then shifting to West Broadway and beyond. Remembering landmarks both lost and remaining, and pondering what is and what could have been. F1880

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 929: What Can A Night Of Audio Be (11/18/12)

3:50:17 – Frank in The Overnightscape Studio in Northern New Jersey… a sprawling, nearly four-hour episode… topics include Tree Bag Ask, British Premier League Football, public domain music at, Quark (TV show from 1978), synthesizer TV theme songs, other universes, the epic “I love L.A.” dream I had this morning, Magic Mountain, The Alan Parsons Project, Freudiana, You’re On Your Own, Don’t Go Breaking My Heart, L’America, Hostess out of business, Twinkies, Big Wheels, Chocodiles, Visions of the Wild, Board of Canada, Gnostic theory of God, idea of a public domain radio station, ice cream truck music, Turkey the the Straw, racism, Johnny Carson and Don Rickles in 1976, movie review – The Comedy (2012), Harley-Davidson pinball, The Pinball Arcade, Gerry and The Pacemakers movie “Ferry Cross the Mersey”, solar eclipse, completely random memories, video game jungle levels, the book “After Man”, lost stores, Smoosh, Alice in Chains, Blake Babies, The Sundays, Age of Chance, past life in England, “what can a night of audio be”, Einstein, Port Authority Bus Terminal madness, Sphero Robotic Ball, the book “Full Metal Apache”, Rolling Stones documentary “Crossfire Hurricane”, New Speedway Boogie, recent shows on The Overnightscape Underground, and so much more. F1879

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 928: L’America (11/12/12)

1:39:21 – Frank in NJ and NYC… insane commute, alone at a train platform, lip balm review, fun with gravel, new Hoboken ferry terminal, boat ride, Times Square, and so much more. F1878

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 927: Calypso Souvenir (11/11/12)

1:35:01 – Frank in The Overnightscape Studio in NJ… The Beatles “Paul is dead”, Star Wars, Ellusionst playing cards reviews (Infinity, Purple Artifice, Sultan Republic, Sultan Republic Treasury), cleaning out the shore house ruined by Hurricane Sandy, records in the yard, McDonalds coffee cup from 1985, Pitch In, litterbugs, and a whole lot more. F1877

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 926: The Humblegroovy Headvisits (11/9/12)

1:32:24 – Frank in NJ and NYC… F1876

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 925: Rectangularly Yours (11/6/12)

52:16 – Frank in NYC… F1875

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 924: Cartoon Dog (11/2/12)

2:47:42 – Frank in the surreal aftermath of Hurricane Sandy… F1874

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 923: Superstorm Sandy (10/30/12)

3:53:13 – Frank’s experience of Superstorm Sandy… plus first impressions of Microsoft Surface, a coffee review, and much more… F1873

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

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