The Overnightscape 1162: Debra (3/11/15)

1:56:37 – Frank in NYC, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Time travel to the apartment of a young Lucille Ball, Lie Studios, prizes in dreams, Radio Shack near the end, french fries, midtown wanderlust, 80s logo, motorcycles, shampoo update, The Krofft Supershow, Kaptain Kool and the Kongs, Bert Sommer, Debra Clinger, Debra Winger, documentary review (The Clinger Sisters – The First Girls of Rock & Roll), warm enough to sit outside and have lunch with an ice footrest, the fleeting nature of fame, HBO Now, Apple Watch, Pocket Overnightscape 2015, PlayStation Home closing, and much more… plus the Other Side (at 1:26:41)… Renata by Vadim Kotinskiy [, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0], Blueberry Jam! by PROTODOME [Ubiktune, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], You Can Not Knock Me Down by Jim Guittard [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Tailor’s Proverbs (7/20/91) [Onsug, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Bill Jorgensen [Onsug, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Meet me at the Dwarf Parade by ZenGnome [, CC BY 4.0], American Look (1958) [Prelinger Archive, public domain].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1161: Shampoo, Beer and Pretzels (3/8/15)

1:25:37 – Frank in The Overnightscape Studio, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Replacing a burnt-out tail light, Pocket Overnightscape update, dreams of West Virginia and the capital on fire, House of Cards, plow vs. bus, Grateful Dead shows (The Closing of Winterland (12/31/78), Sunshine Daydream (8/27/72)), shampoo review (Old Spice Wolfthorn 2 in 1), beer review (Goose Island – The Muddy Imperial Stout), pretzel review (Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps Mini Mix Traditional), Muscle Shoals (2013), Deep Space 9, One Piece, ancient Sumerian literature (Nanna-Suen’s journey to Nibru), time travel, and more… plus the Other Side (at 56:07)… The Magnificent Marble Machine Part 1 [YouTube], McCall’s Magazine Kitchen – Cake decorating demonstration [Prelinger, public domain], Corrona Jag – Synaesthete vs Bogans (1982) by Tom Hogan [SoundCloud, CC BY 3.0], Launch CD-Rom Magazine Ad from 1997 [YouTube], Conformance by Fortadelis [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], 1977-78 HBO Movies and Specials Promos [YouTube], Mountaindale Festival concert promo [], slumlord by lo tag blanco [ccMixter, CC BY 2.5].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1160: Spice Toasting Incident (3/5/15)

1:56:11 – Frank in NJ and NYC, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Snowstorm morning, higher consciousness, shower of sparks, salt sole, Hearthstone, Nokia ringtone, Palm V, Bejeweled, spice toasting incident, new Roberta font family release from Harold’s Fonts, sci-fi paperback “Jewels of Elsewhen” by Ted White, Ciao Bella, The Ladd Company, Super Hexagon, Totto Ramen, reality interface, The Purple Room, The Onsug List, and much more… plus the Other Side (at 1:26:50)… VIDEO FEVER – Games People Play from ABC news LA about arcade video games recorded in 1982 [YouTube], Oral by Dr.Arthur [Jamendo, CC BY 3.0], Sinistar Arcade 1982 [YouTube], Empire by Post Machinery Environment [, Soviet Net Label, CC BY 3.0], Hot Video Arcade Games Of 1982 [YouTube], Tafi Maradi by Kevin MacLeod [, CC BY 3.0], Central Park Arcade Mt. View CA 1981 [YouTube].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1159: Fonts in Montana (3/2/15)

1:22:23 – Frank in NJ and NYC, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Between ice and slush, House of Cards, electricity, collapse of the future, technology and happiness, sunglass mishap, new restroom, Plated, Blue Apron, beet sliders, Ginsu Chikara knives, beet slicing mishap, The Grateful Dead, Mexicali Blues, snack review (Dunkin’ Go Bar), dream review (Twin Peaks newsdesk at a movie theater), game review (The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match (on Steam)), and more… plus the Other Side (at 52:43)… Earthmen by ZAMALA [Jamendo, CC BY 3.0], The Chills (Spacy Funk) by The TenGooz [Jamendo, CC NonCommercial Sampling Plus 1.0], Circle of the sun (Kainai) pt 1 [YouTube], Launceston Mall 1975 – “A place for people” [YouTube], cererian oceans by Kansas Beach Patrol [, CC BY-SA 3.0].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1158: Dance Rants Laugh (2/25/15)

2:08:43 – Frank in NJ and NYC, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Relatively nice morning walking on ice, K-Cups (McCafe French Roast, Guy Fieri Redwood Roast), Kevin Seal, coffeeana, new 7-11 coffee cup, The Oscars, snack review (Cinnabon Gooey Bites), cellphone “ATM”, Coca-Cola Life, dollar bill from 1988, hard to describe dance counterpoint misery level transcendent feeling concept and life, Cleveland Browns new look, FXFL, Togetherness on HBO, Winsock, Flat Earth theory, and much more… plus the Other Side (at 1:39:16)… Hunting the dugong by TheWell [Jamendo, CC NonCommercial Sampling Plus 1.0], Confettis by Lithium [Jamendo, CC Sampling Plus 1.0], The making of I’m Your Man – an interactive movie [YouTube], I Sleep Fine by Auto Bonfire [FreeMusicArchiveCC BY-NC-ND 4.0], NBC Network – “It’s NBC Week” (Promo, 1983) [].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1157: Light Days (2/22/15)

1:25:36 – Frank in The Overnightscape Studio, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Oakley sunglasses (Madman, Badman) and eyeglasses (Overlord), Radio Shack, winter weather, Oort Cloud, computer games (Catacomb Kids, TowerClimb, The Pinball Arcade – The Addams Family), 70s TV, and much more… plus the Other Side (at 55:52)… Memory Bank by Airglow [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY 4.0], Stereophonic Motor Club by Juanitos [Jamendo, CC BY 3.0], L’Air du Temps Perfume with Ricky Schroder (Commercial, 1978) [FuzzyMemories.TV], HA! TV Comedy Network Ads/Bumpers (1990) [YouTube], Lost Records 1 – Loriot by Soukie&Windish [SoundCloud, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Kenny & Richards – I Remember (1981) by Tom Hogan [SoundCloud, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Up All Night by Lee Rosevere [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC 2.5].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1156: Casual Gods (2/19/15)

1:48:05 – Frank in NYC, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Year of the Sheep, conspiracy theory nostalgia, Radio Shack, subzero, SNL40 – 40th anniversary of Saturday Night Live, Japan Week, Charles Manson, cults, Paul is dead, Cluster Flux, Cagney & Lacey, Better Call Saul, computer game “Life is Strange”, Kodi, world fakeness, and more… plus the Other Side (at 1:18:36)… Night Flight bumpers [YouTube], Lunatic by CyberSDF [Jamendo, CC BY 3.0], 120 minutes Kevin Seal and Dave Kendall 1988 [YouTube], Virtual Sex by Xser1964 [Jamendo, CC NonCommercial Sampling Plus 1.0], Sharon Tate – Coppertone ‘Don’t Make Waves’ movie promo [], Afternoonman by The Precious Band [Jamendo, Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0], Night Flight A Little Irony [YouTube], What Child Is This by Jennifer Avalon [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Join the Bahamas by Gino Pertot [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1155: The Anasazi (2/15/15)

2:09:24 – Frank in The Overnightscape Studio, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Arts dream, vision of another world, The Bangles, bands breaking up and getting back together, playing driving game The Crew while listening to new wave hits of the 80s, wave of cold in the area, Sweet Earth frozen burritos, Anasazi archaeology, what is it like to be someone else, Old Spice Nature Exchange Vending Machine in Grand Central,, deodorant review (Old Spice Timber with Mint), TV shows (Sherlock, The Americans, Togetherness, The Jinx, Project Runway All Stars, American Idol, Saturday Night Live), Radio Shack, VR, and more… plus the Other Side (at 1:39:38)… “The Winning Strategy” Early 80’s Arcade Game News Segment (featuring Eric Ginner) [YouTube], Labyrinth by Monomer [Ubiktune, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], The Science Fiction Film Awards (Part 10, 1978) [FuzzyMemories.TV], Reward Le Fin by Mach FoX [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Donovan – The Pied Piper Movie Promo [], Grand Lizard (Williams, 1986) [PinMAME], Wild Palms Trailer 1993 [YouTube], Spacewolf by Matt Oakley [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1154: Loco Earthtone (2/11/15)

1:37:54 – Frank in NYC, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Branch fell, bus is late, 90s computing, new shoes, the future, recording, Radio Shack, cults, Ecco Terra Cruise, last incandescent bulb?, loco earthtone, Old Spice, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and much more… plus the Other Side (at 1:08:16)… Prairie Fire (12/22/94) (part c – blacksmith) [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Retro/Futuristic Idents [YouTube], Drunken Sailor by Jennifer Avalon [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], The Electric Company season 2 opening titles [YouTube], I’m Having Trouble Concentrating by MyVirtualBand Members [MyVirtualBand (defunct), CC BY 2.0], Earth Tribe by Charly2n [Dogmazic, CC BY-NC 2.0], Nixon ‘HelplessGiant’ [collection].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1153: Night Drive Klynfety (2/7/15)

2:11:40 – Frank on the road, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Driving home from Pennsylvania to New Jersey at night, rest stops, visiting Bryan (one of The Three Weasels), The Multiversity Guidebook, Bourbon Every Burger, playing the board game Relic, watching the movie Kiss Me Kill Me (1973), King of Fighters, Lizard Music, and much more… plus the Other Side (at 1:42:11)… Il Male Oscuro by Nino Turenum [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Feel It Down by MOPI [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], ‘The Trip’ – Movie Promo Spot [], Streets Of Fire Theatrical Trailer [YouTube], Lionfish by Sushi Brother [, CC BY-ND-NC 1.0], 1967 Action New Years Eve Dance Roller Land in Napa Epics, Wailin’ Powers [], WLS Channel 7 – Eyewitness News – “The Angry Sky” (Part 2, 1978) [FuzzyMemories.TV], The Final Mantra by Unicorn Star-Gazer [], Breaking Point by Dan Tindall [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Iridium Elements by Xaviant Haze [Jamendo, CC BY-SA 3.0].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1152: Last Weekend Freakout II (2/4/15)

1:22:15 – Frank in NYC, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Radio Shack, Super Bowl XLIX, space conspiracies, time travel incident, and much more… plus the Other Side (at 52:34)… Jungle King (Taito, 1982) [MAME], Jean Shepherd – Year One Poster (1970 “Cuckoo Eye”) [collection], Tidal by Copper Man [collection], Electro Cabello by Kevin MacLeod [, CC BY 3.0], Love me in my Mercedes-Benz by Rinzo & The Hey Hey Panthers [Jamendo, CC BY 3.0]. Gasoline Alley (10/15/48) [collection].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1151: Parrots (2/1/15)

1:46:33 – Frank in The Overnightscape Studio, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Bagel jelly incident, bus door incident, more snow, Popeye, Gene Hackman, A&E, Jack White show at Madison Square Garden, Station Break arcade, Porter Wagoner, Grinderman, Screaming Females, Howard Stern, Run The Jewels, KRS One, Bubb Rubb, Q-Tip, Deee-Lite, Mixx Tail Firewalker flavored light beer, Japanese snack review (Juchheim Liebesbaum), The Night Pool, ashes, parrots, and more… plus the Other Side (at 1:16:46)… Howard Stern Channel 9 Show Ep. 8 (excerpt) [collection], Pastime with Good Company (vocal samples from dwsChorale) by Romahichi [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], All my life by Art Boys Collection [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Tommy Hoggins – Go Go Go (Dance Dance Dance) (1983) by Tom Hogan [SoundCloud], Reagan Outlaws Soviet Union – “Bombing In Five Minutes” [collection], Shatter Cider Suite (1987) by Little Frankie Nora [Onsug, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1150: Snowpipe (1/27/15)

1:53:34 – Frank on his porch and in The Overnightscape Studio, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Smoking a pipe amongst the snow, the “historic blizzard” that wasn’t, weird 11 days, cartoon tigers, smoke rings, pipe tobacco, the printing industry, video game character Foxy from King of Fighters, I was in Ridgewood before, Maui Tacos, snack review (Combos Caramel Crème Pretzel), movie review (Frank(2014)), CD review (Elastic (21-3)), The Night Pool #2, listener email (Shaun from England) and more… plus the Other Side (at 1:23:58)… Happy Jester by Loretta Jacobs [Jamendo, CC BY 3.0], WFLD Channel 32 – Candid Camera (Commercial Break #2, 1971?) [FuzzyMemories.TV], Tonto by TONTO [Jamendo, CC BY 3.0], Poursuite by Fonetik [Jamendo, CC NonCommercial Sampling Plus 1.0], WLS Channel 7 – Planet of the Apes (Promo, 1982) [FuzzyMemories.TV], The Clever Rodent Cafe by Another Flask of Weird [, CC BY-ND 3.0], Run Run Superman by Rinzo & The Hey Hey Panthers [Jamendo, CC BY 3.0], 1981 Atari Promotional Video “Inside Atari: The Next Decade” [YouTube], Monroeville Mall 1970s TV spot [YouTube], Naughty Stewardesses Trailer [YouTube], AFRS Saigon – Coup Curfew (11/02/63) [collection], Surrounded By The Sound [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1149: Old Opticians (1/25/15)

5:17:48 – Frank in NJ and The Overnightscape Studio, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Quick rail adventure to Ridgewood, NJ Transit rail lines, exploring Ridgewood, old opticians, war memorial, Tree Bag Ask, bookstore, Lego, “Backroads, New Jersey” by Mark Di Ionno, Kings, train station, blizzard coming, Warehouse Freckle, Joe Franklin dead at 88, Serial podcast, wandering around The Mills at Jersey Gardens mall, The Grateful Dead, Uriah Heep, Stately Type, K-Cup coffee review (Cafe Bustelo, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Smooth, Peet’s Coffee – French Roast), the story of my cats Mr. Jesse and Mr. Sasha, Some In The Woods by Fuzzy Daupner, Hello Peru by Stanleybirch, The Crew, Sign of the Malls by Fuzzy Daupner, Mr. Sasha dream, listener email (Shaun from England), lolcats, beer review (Southern Tier PMX Extraordinary Ale, Green Flash Hop Head Red), One Piece, Dana Carvey, and more… plus the Other Side (at 4:48:09)… “Surf Rocker” – Royalty Free Stock Music by ZSquid [SoundCloud, CC BY-SA 3.0], Dive to the Edge of Creation (excerpt 2) [], The Race Forever by Monroeville Music Center [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY 3.0], Pappys Happy by Bob Powell [, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Home Sweet Home [collection], Interviews In Downtown Omaha – August 1970 – 06 [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Bobby Fuller Four – KHJ Big Kahuna Theme [], JFK – “We Face A Challenge In Berlin” [collection], Stage 2 by NESMETAL [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Variatio 1 a 1 Clav. [The Open Goldberg Variations, played by by Kimiko Ishizaka, public domain], General Jacob L. Devers – V-E Day Message 5/8/45 [collection], Beraloids by Ross Adey [One on Twoism], Uncle Duane 3 by Another Flask of Weird [, CC BY-ND 3.0], Sago Blues by MyVirtualBand Members [MyVirtualBand (defunct), CC BY 2.0], You’re With A Creep by Protomartyr [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Reactor (Gottlieb, 1982) [MAME].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1148: 21st Century Cat (1/23/15)

1:58:14 – Frank in The Overnightscape Studio talking about the final days of his cat, Mr. Sasha (3/11/01 – 1/22/15). Plus the Other Side (at 1:28:32)… Howard Stern Channel 9 Show Ep. 6 (excerpt) [collection], WFLD Channel 32 – Sunday Showcase (Break #6, 1986) [FuzzyMemories.TV], O Hohem Invisível by Irreversíveis [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Radio Madness / Alienation by Doug Rice [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Invisible Walls by Revolution Void [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Blue Village by Rinzo & The Hey Hey Panthers [Jamendo, CC BY 3.0], Monroeville Mall 1970s TV spot [YouTube].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1147: Warehouse Freckle (1/18/15)

1:22:32 – Frank in The Overnightscape Studio, plus the Other Side… My interview on KaufCast Episode #4 (1/18/15), drinking Black Dirt Bourbon, taking Mr. Sasha to the vet, black Jeep, life and death, pizza, bodies and minds, ice storm, Big Ten swim meet at Rutgers in Piscataway, college hijinks, Mamoun’s Falafel in New Brunswick, futon showroom, Art Nouveau fonts, movie review (Gone Girl (2014)), lotion/paper incident, automatic seatbelts, Easton Avenue, braces, Gamma World, Rutgers Plaza Cinema VI, Circle K, The Iselin Run, Ramplers, warehouse freckle, something weird in the cosmos these days, and more… plus the Other Side (at 52:56)… MiniQS by Kamix [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Sleepless by Allister Thompson [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], John Lennon Reads Jock And Yono [collection], WGN Channel 9 – WGN Friday Night Movie – “Holiday Inn” (Ending + News Promo, 1981) [FuzzyMemories.TV], heyday by Pobedia [, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], 80’s Faberge Organics Shampoo Commercial Wwith Heather Locklear [YouTube], Desperately Happy by The Prefab Messiahs (FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Suicide Hero by Defekt 86 [, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Steven Spielberg’s ‘1941’ – radio advert for 1980 UK movie release [YouTube], Parker Brothers – Star Wars: Jedi Arena (Commercial, 1983) [YouTube], Tchaikovsky – The Nutcracker Suite – Act I, No.7. Dance of the Flutes [Musopen, public domain], Horizon by MyVirtualBand Members [MyVirtualBand (defunct), CC BY 2.0], Dreamscape (1984) radio advert for UK cinema release [YouTube].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1146: Looms (1/14/15)

1:31:35 – Frank in NYC, plus the Other Side… Five people still alive from the 1800s, the future, miltary time travel experiments in the 1960s, subway, wacko repellent, Corridor of Losers, timeline repair theory, Charlie Hebdo, ice bucket challenge, Eddie Izzard, temporary walls, Charly by The Prodigy, squash, Snoopy, newsstand, electronic magazine inserts, Ramplers, Overnightscape history, naked video, Freaks and Geeks, Black Mirror, Posman Books, World Trade Center, L’Enfant Plaza, the French language, macaroni and cheese, seating area incident, new weird troopers, John Lennon, and more… plus the Other Side (at 1:02:04)… Tron, The Secret of NIMH, The Devils Playground (1982) [].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

The Overnightscape 1145: Ice Station Dream (1/11/15)

1:48:31 – Frank in The Overnightscape Studio, plus the Other Side… Topics include: Ice Bowl 2, NFL, Ice Station Dream, Ramplers, ultra-obscure Tarot deck “Reflexions”, Charlie Hebdo killing in Paris, ABM Magazine, actor Taylor Negron dead at 57, getting keys made, cassette from 1999, Roger Miller, Lizard Music, Cornershop, The Monks, beer review (DuClaw Brewing – Dirty Little Freak, Neon Gypsy), TV shows (Portlandia, American Idol, Black Mirror), Joust 2, Joust, and more… plus the Other Side (at 1:18:48)… Sheriff’s Song by Starsheriff Orchestra [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Before After by Technight [Dogmazic, CC BY-NC-SA 2.5], Roger Ebert reviews Shock Treatment (1981) [], Laserium – 1977 [YouTube], Coffee House Rendezvous (Part II) (ca. 1969) [Prelinger, public domain].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1144: Ghost Plastic (1/7/15)

1:56:44 – Frank in NYC, plus the Other Side… Topics include: Mysteries of sleep, random garbage, hypnopompic phrases, Philip K. Dick, moving past the holiday season, Posman Books at Grand Central closed, stores as free entertainment, impersonal hostility of corporations, Frank Nora Show 1672 – Telegraphica (3/28/11), the broken world, subway, cops, poi, glowing blue pole, divisive discourse, love one another, ant farm analogy, Madam Secretary, killings in Paris, freezing outside, kettlebells, Onsug Explorer / Ramplers, seeing red,, beer and liquor stores, Grand Central, VALIS, anchette farewell, gelato, Winter Vegetable with Dumplings soup, ghost plastic, Platform Panic, Peep Show, new website about Mike Jittlov (creator of The Wizard of Speed and Time) –, random cravings, macaroni and cheese, weird troopers, beverage review (Ronnybrook Chocolate Creamline Milk), ambient sounds, beautiful snow dust, book page marbling, ultra obscure Tarot cards, Fen’s Deck, memes, motivational posters, the turn of the Millennium, 2015, and more… plus the Other Side (at 1:27:09)… Better Raise Your Hands Up by MyVirtualBand Members [MyVirtualBand (defunct), CC BY 2.0], Hidden Eraser Master by Nuns of the Tundra [Jamendo, CC BY-SA 3.0], TV Slide AFOW-MSC by Another Flask of Weird [, CC BY-ND 3.0], Bear Dance by TranceFlute [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], 1979-82 Commercials: Charmin to Johnson’s Hot Shots [YouTube], Moody Monday by Red Nebula [Jamendo, CC BY-SA 3.0].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


The Overnightscape 1143: Organic Acids (1/4/15)

1:02:05 – Frank in The Overnightscape Studio, plus the Other Side… Topics include: The new year, Bayonne, shampoo incident, iPads, Brazen Gestures, listener postcard, Onsug Explorer #1, movie reviews (The Lego Movie (2014), This Is The End (2013)), beverage review (Live Kombucha Soda – Revive Rootbeer), and more… plus the Other Side (at 32:28)… Void Traveler by The Scimitar [, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0], Classic Hostess Commercial with Twinkie the Kid and Happy Ho Ho [YouTube], Some Ancient HBO Graphics and Previews – from 1977!!! [YouTube], Laserium – London laser show – radio ad 1979? [YouTube], Inimaginable by Invid Mind [Ektoplazm, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0], ALIEN radio adverts, London release, September 1979 [YouTube], Triangle Beams At Funny Angles by Someone Else [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Helium Buffalo MH Episode 3 (excerpt) [, CC BY-ND 3.0], reeny oh reeny by Gino Pertot [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at


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