This week’s episode of The Overnightscape, #564, is 3 hours and 35 minutes long – 20 minutes longer than last week’s episode. I didn’t set out to make the show so long, but it just kind of happened.
Anyway, while doing post-production on the show, the audio program crashed because the file was too big and wrecked one of my external hard drives in the process. I can usually fix a disk problem like this with DiskWarrior, but it is an older Mac and the disk is huge so DiskWarrior can’t seem to fix it. And now, my mouse doesn’t seem to be working!
So all I have to say is, I went too far, made the show too long. And my equipment is too old to handle it. I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to get the show out one way or another, but this is a pretty bad situation…
UPDATE: I just checked and guess what? Mercury Retrograde just started yesterday! No wonder I’m having problems. Anyway, I almost threw out my old mouse yesterday, but thank goodness I still have it… I’m booting up off an old DiskWarrior disk and it doesn’t support my new mouse – and the old one works, though not very well…
UPDATE: Well, I finally got the Mac booted with DiskWarrior, with my old mouse plugged in and… after like 20 minutes of processing, DiskWarrior said it did not have enough memory to fix the disk… so I was disappointed… until I saw that it actually HAD fixed the disk enough for it to mount again! I had to split the show into 2 parts for post production, then merge the files together again at the end. Uploading now…