38.1 MB ZIP file containing 530 pictures:
Note: There are a few slightly NSFW images like some Playboy covers and stuff.
From the READ ME file in the archive:
by Frank Edward Nora
530 Pictures
Released February 2, 2008
Hi, I’m Frank Edward Nora, host of the long-running Internet talk radio show “The Overnightscape” (https://theovernightscape.com). I have always had way too much stuff and not enough space to store it. Back in 2003 I set out to sell a ton of stuff I had accumulated on eBay – stuff you can see in these pictures. Most of the stuff sold. I may still have a few of these items. It was kind of bittersweet looking at these pics – while I don’t miss any of this stuff, some of it is pretty darn cool… Anyway, just though you might like to see this collection of interesting things.
These photos are under the following license:
Attribution 3.0 United States
Attribution: By Frank Edward Nora, host of the long-running Internet talk radio show “The Overnightscape” (https://theovernightscape.com). Released as part of a set called “Stuff I Sold on eBay in 2003” on February 2, 2008.