
The Overnightscape #736 (Tuesday, September 9, 2008 / 45:00 / 41.3 MB / – Tonight’s subjects include: Cleaned up the studio, executive decision, starting a 45-minute format, Jean Shepherd, The Rampler, reached the one month mark, approaching the thousand-hour mark, listener Twitter (Goatman), ideas on listening, don’t get overwhelmed, the phenomenon of the Andy Kaufman mystery,, a clip from “Sparetime Radio” by Wayne Reichert about Twitter and Andy Kaufman, Tetris, Photoshop, analysis of Andy Kaufman situation, caffeine review (“Stok Black Coffee Shot”),, Virtual Vegas, Sansa Shaker with Teen Beat, revealing the name of the dice game… “Fonnjo Foon”, the name represents the structure, poetry, Superiors, the poem was talking to the game, beads, and the family of jeopardy dice games. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora (

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